Here’s an Elooww to all of you from Aloka!!

With your mind, all clogged, don’t worry I’ll guide you through the route! For this route will set the mood, please calm down and grab some food (it’s the longest looking route: D).
You will be taking a long but scenic route passing the Air Force HQ Officers Mess and the UN compound. Keep your eyes open! For you might miss this iconic building among the many places to look at on the way to the Faculty of Medicine.

(1) “It’s somewhat of a residence which you cannot live in, part of its name is a synonym for ‘school’ or ‘academy’. If you are from UOC this place is a “must-see”, specially when you need your examination ID” Now that you’ve collected your ID, you are eligible to enter into the Faculty of Medicine, congrats! But wait! You didn’t think it would be that easy, did you? Going forward you’ll need to disguise yourself and you’d need some relevant material (No not books! And definitely not medicine from the nearest pharmacy)

Here’s a riddle to find your next location, “Keep in mind, it is the largest of its kind, you would’ve even been there as a child, and thanks to Gregory we got to store those memories from time to time”

(Hint:- By now you should have found the first two places Aloka hinted about!! If you’re done, keep reading!!)

You really thought you could walk around with whatever you collected from the previous location, didn’t you?! “Passing a massive pond and greenery throughout, Is it the white house? Probably not.
Almost there! Been in this treasure hunt almost all day, sigh! You must be drenched in sweat cause of the scorching hot sun and would need to get a new outfit. Nope, there is no time for you to entirely freshen up for the final obstacle but think in a different way. this place has everything and anything, from food in a bowl to food to your soul. Whoever thought that few letters in a name could do so much?

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