Save Your Photos Day


Every picture tells a story, make sure they are safe.
Save Your Photos Day is a holiday that falls on the last Saturday in September every year. Photographs, whether digital or physical, are an important part of our history and collection of memories. This is a great day to back up those digital photos, cherish the moments, and empower people to take proactive steps to preserve their family’s legacies. This is a day that reminds you to safeguard these treasures and memories are best saved by being shared.Photos are a capsule for future generations. How can you make sure that your photo collection remains safe, organized, and accessible for years to come?
1. Creating backups of your photos on external hard drives or using cloud storage services like Google Drive, Dropbox, or iCloud.
2. Develop a system for organizing your photos by using folders, tags, or metadata to categorize and label them.
3. Considering photo management software like Adobe Lightroom or Apple Photos.
4. Without relying totally on digital copies, you can print your favorite photos and create a physical album or frame.
5. Sharing your photos with family members and encourage them to save those.How does a photo become more than just an image? What is it about a single photograph that can capture a moment and preserve it for generations?
Each photo’s a story, a glimpse in time,
The laughter, the tears, the faces we love,
In albums and folders, they patiently wait,
We find the sweet magic of yesterday’s ray.So, make sure that you give your photos the love and care they deserve because a picture is worth a thousand words, but a backup is priceless.

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Rtr. Mandini Gabadage
(Co-Editor 2023-24)

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