11th Installation Ceremony of the Rotaract Club of University of Colombo, Faculty of Management and Finance (RACUOCFMF)

The 11th Installation Ceremony of the Rotaract Club of University of Colombo, Faculty of Management and Finance which was held on the 3rd of October 2020 at the ICBT Auditorium from 5.30 onwards, marked yet another triumphant epoch in the Rotaract journey as the club stepped into a new decade. The beautiful ladies clothed in elegant shades of blue and silver brightened the ceremony as much as the gentlemen suited up in style did.

The Chief guest for the day, Rtn. PP  PHF G. S. Sylvester and the Special invitees; District Rotaract Chair PDRR Rtn. Amjad Yoosuf, District Rotaract Representative Rtn. Rtr. PP Kavindra Kasun Sigera, Assistant Director for Youth Services of the Rotaract Club of Colombo Midtown, Rtn. Rtr. PP Insaf Ismail and the Guide Club Cordinator, Rtr. IPP Danuka Perera graced the occasion with their valued presence.

The proceedings of the evening officially commenced with the lighting of the traditional oil lamp by the dignitaries. Shortly after the dignitaries were ushered to the head table, the house was called to order by the Sergeant-at-Arms which was then followed by the national anthem and the Conventional Rotaract formalities; the Flag Salutation, Rotaract Invocation, Four Way Test and the Rotaract Song.

Subsequently, the welcome address was delivered by the project Co-Chairperson and Co-Director for Club Service, Rtr. Nikhil Senarathne. Next in line was the Secretary’s Report, presented by the outgoing Secretary (FMF’s beloved Puma), Rtr. Piyumi Abeywardhana.

Outgoing Secretary Rtr. Piyumi Abeywardhana

Thereupon, the President for the year 2019/20 Rtr. Shehani Leo addressed the gathering. Her speech took the crowd on an emotional rollercoaster filled with bittersweet moments of laughter and tears, for new beginnings are often disguised as painful endings they say. She extended her heartfelt gratitude to each and every individual who worked with utmost dedication alongside her and for the endless commitment and support they had rendered throughout her Presidency. Moreover, she expressed with overwhelming happiness and contentment that the club is in good hands under the leadership of the President Rtr. Aamina Ismail and her exceptional Board of Directors. Then, the Outgoing President (Leo) presented certificates of appreciation to the Outgoing Board and the individuals who strived hard for the achievements of the club.

Next, the Incoming President, fondly known as ‘Haamina’, was introduced by Rtr.Aloka Weerawardane (a.k.a Ape ‘Laddu’). It was a hysteric speech by the Vice President where she described Rtr. Aamina as a ‘Radio with a dysfunctional power button and a dysfunctional volume button’ and talked on how the new President believes in positivity and is gifted with a big heart. Her speech made it evident that there was no better suited duo to lead the club other than our newly appointed President and Secretary respectively, Rtr. Aamina and Rtr. Kulani. She said, “When one is there, the other will be there too. Always! They sync so well, like the lines of a chorus” (Bole Chudiyan…Bole kangana…) Following the introduction given by Rtr. Aloka, a video which revealed the unseen side of  the Incoming President Rtr. Aamina Ismail was shared on the screen and it was indeed a fun filled one which hyped up the gathering. (P.S -Hats off to the masterly PR Team for going the extra mile in making things perfect!)

Subsequently, the most awaited moment of the night arrived. President for the year 2020/21 – Rtr. Aamina Ismail was collared by the Outgoing President – Rtr. Shehani Leo. It was history in the making for the club, as the 11th President received her collar amongst the applause of the audience.

Then the newly appointed President addressed the audience for the first time and briefed her journey through the years as a Rotaractor. It was an amusing speech as she pointed out that her life changed as ‘Rotaract happened’. She talked about the beauty the club brings to one’s life through witnessing the hardships, dedication and commitment that the members put in so as to create an impact on the society.  Rtr. Aamina indicated how the members contribute to such impactful projects throughout their journey in the club even when they are not being paid for it.

As per her words, “We all do it voluntary, none of us get paid to do it and that’s what made me want to stay and that’s what made me want to take the leadership, so that I can perhaps help someone else witness these same things”. She stated that her journey in becoming the President was not on her mind when she initially joined and now, she has taken up the challenge with pride. Rtr. Aamina showed that the lesson learnt through this journey was that no challenge is too big of a challenge, if we have the right intentions, and if we have the right support it will be possible. Concluding her speech, the 11th President of RACUOCFMF left a message to all  stating that “Whatever you do in Rotaract, make sure to make Rotaract happen- Because with or without your knowledge, you might be inspiring one/two/hundreds of other people, to stay in this beautiful movement, to serve this beautiful movement and to grow in this beautiful movement.” It was indeed motivating for everyone to hear the success story of the newly inducted President.

Following her address, President Rtr. Aamina Ismail took time to introduce her exceptional Executive Committee and her phenomenal Board of Directors. It was indeed a joyous moment as she introduced each and every member by giving them enthralling personal introductions.


“You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

The club took a first step indeed by appointing a new team of Rotaractors as the ‘Blog Team’ of the club. The RACUOCFMF blog was known for its award-winning performance as it has been securing the ‘Most Outstanding Blog’ of the Year Award at the District Assembly every year since its inception and the team was given the responsibility of continuing the outstanding legacy.

Following the agenda, the District Rotaract Representative Rtr.Kasun Sigera addressed the gathering. Congratulating Rtr. Shehani Leo and her exceptional committee for the outstanding Rotaract year played while conveying his heartiest wishes to the Incoming Board for a greater year ahead with success, he further appreciated  the club for all the successful project initiatives to which the club stayed committed even when the semester examinations were being held. As usual he ended his speech on a high note inviting the rotaractors to rally around the beautiful moments and to do what is right, stand for what is right and to strive as one.

Afterwards the District Rotaract Chair Rtr. Amjath Yousuf addressed the gathering, he wished the newly appointed president and her committee, this was then followed by the speech delivered by the ‘Platinum Sponsor’, ICBT Nugegoda with a short video presented by the ‘Gold Sponsor’ for the day, Bank of Ceylon.

Long formalities came to a hold opening the stage to the talented young vocalists in the club (‘The Brilli Bong Bong Squad’)  to treat the gathering to some exhilarating melodies. Rtr. Melan led the crew tuning the guitar, alongside with him Rtr. Dinul, Rtr. Yasindu, Rtr. Saseni, Rtr. Ravisha, Rtr.Malinka and Rtr. Keshani joined hands singing a mix of English and Sinhala rap version melodies, it was indeed an extravaganza entertainment to be noted.

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A biiiig shoutout to the talented gentleman behind the camera. Thank you for the beautiful captures ;’)
(check out his amazing page)

End of the epic musical performance, the ceremony was back to the agenda where  Kavisha Dodanwala  (The moderator of the event)  invited the chief guest for the evening Rtn. PHF G. Sylvester to address the gathering. Starting off, he congratulated the outgoing board for the service they commend and stated few words about the newly appointed President Rtr. Aamina Ismail, the extraordinary journey she came through all the way from being a Non-Rotaractor to the President. Concluding his speech, he wished the talented young lady, Rtr. Aamina Ismail and her Board of Directors a year filled with success.

In appreciating notables of the evening, tokens of appreciation which were made by the students of  ‘Madiwela Special Education School and Home for Boys’ were presented to the dignitaries. (The tokens were purchased with the intention of making a generous contribution to the Home) Afterwards, the podium was undertaken by fellow Rotaractors of other clubs to felicitate. After all the cordial wishes, the newly appointed Secretary voiced the gathering in delivering the Vote of Thanks on a final note. Then the evening came to a halt for RACUOCFMF with the ‘dawn of a new era’ as Kavisha signed off opening doors for fellowship and refreshments.

In order to support the Going Green Concept, souvenirs were not printed, and e-souvenirs were sent to all the attendees through emails during the event.

P.S – This goes to everyone who joined with us to relish this wonderful day, Thanks a bunch!

We, as the members of RACUOCFMF, would like to wish our vivacious President Rtr. Aamina Ismail and her Board of Directors for a fantastic year and we pledge to keep the Club’s name soaring high at all times.


Written By:

The Blog Team 2020/21

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