Center Stage 2024 – Rtr. PP Vinuri Nirodya


Get ready for an exciting and captivating episode of the 2024 Edition of Center Stage featuring the incredible Rtr. PP Vinuri Nirodya, the Rotaract District Treasurer. Join Rtr. Dion Gomes as he dives into a fascinating conversation with Rtr. PP Vinuri Nirodya about her remarkable Rotaract journey, the obstacles she’s overcome, and the priceless insights she’s gained along the way in our 4th episode. Get set to be motivated, amused, and perhaps even taken aback!

Here are some questions we posed to her, along with her insightful responses:

Reflecting on your Rotaract journey, what’s a challenge you faced and how did it contribute to your personal growth?

Two challenges I would say. One is balancing everything personal life, studies, and the Rotaract presidency year. Most importantly it was bearable because I got help from everyone. Another thing is I am not a person who is very out forward I would say. So being a Rotaractor, meeting new people, and talking with each other something very difficult in my aspect. So, I had to go out of my box and improve myself, get to know each other, and build connections. I think Rotaract has improved my networking and also time management and balancing each and everything.

Can you share a story about a meaningful connection or friendship you’ve formed through Rotaract that has enriched your life or perspective?

Every individual I met on my journey somehow helped me in my career or my personal life. We can’t judge and say he is a good person or a bad person. You have something to gain out of every person you meet in life. Whoever has helped me out, who has given me constructive feedback, who has pushed me throughout my journey.

This episode of Center Stage provided an enjoyable and enlightening glimpse into the life of Rotaract District Treasurer Rtr. PP Vinuri Nirodya. Get ready to discover who will be stepping into the Center Stage next!

Hosted By:





Rtr. Dion Gomes
(General Member 2023-24)

Written By:





Rtr. Kavindya Prabhashi
(Junior Blog Team Member 2023-24)

Compiled By:





Rtr. Mohamed Muad
(General Member 2023-24)

Edited By:





Rtr. Pamodi Hewawasam
(Junior Blog Team Member 2023-24)


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