In this episode of the crowd favorite series: Center Stage 2021, you will get to know about someone, who would love to have mind-reading as a superpower, so he could dictate others (according to him), Ladies and gentlemen, presenting to you, the 6th episode featuring the Joint District Director for Professional Development, Rtr. IPP. Dhanuka Perera. From failing at farming during lockdown to his mysterious Rotaract crush, we’ve got you all covered!

Watch the video here to get caught up in all that fun!

Here are few more questions we asked him, and his thoughtful answers to them:

What do you think are the qualities most needed for a Rotaractor?

It would be leadership skills and collaborative skills. Because Rotaract is a place where you can develop your skills while engaging with others. So, you should have both these skills to gain the maximum from Rotaract.

What is an area that you believe young Rotaractors should focus on which has not been focused yet, in the community?  

I think it’s about the networking side. Because I’ve seen a lot of projects which are aimed at improving the network aspect of our Rotarators, but there is no proper way to improve that particular area. So I think it would be the networking side.


For Episode 01 click on: Center Stage – DRR. Rtn. Rtr. PP. Kavindra Kasun Sigera

For Episode 02 click on: Center Stage – Rtr. PP. Kayalvili Mathawaram

For Episode 03 click on: Center Stage – ADRR. Rtr. Himantha Alahakoon

For Episode 04 click on: Center Stage – ADRR. Rtr. Miyuru Dharmage

For Episode 04 click on: Center Stage – Rtr. IPP Shehani Leo

Stay tuned to find out who’ll take the CENTER STAGE next!

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