Featuring on the 5th Episode is yet another amazing Rotaract personality who wholeheartedly values friendships and who’s known for her charmingly bubbly personality. It is none other than the Joint Editor of the Rotaract District Steering Committee, Rtn. Rtr. IPP Kalna Hettikankanama. What’s her famous nickname? What’s the hilarious story behind it? Watch the full interview to find out, where she spilled some tea with Rtr. Chovini Kahawevithana. 

Here are some of the hearty responses that she shared with us. 

What were your biggest challenges as a Rotaractor? And how did you overcome them? 

Taking up the presidency of the Rotaract Club of Kadawatha was a true challenge to me and to overcome that challenge, a lot of friends helped me. That is why I think with the help of your friends in the Rotaract, you are capable of overcoming any challenge that’s in your way.

What do you love the most about Rotaract? 

That would be making friends. I have a lot of siblings who are not related to me by blood, all thanks to Rotaract. 

Stay tuned to find out who’ll take the CENTER STAGE next!

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