Making her appearance on the 7th Episode of Center Stage 2022 edition is none other than The Joint Director for International Service in the Rotaract District Steering Committee, Rtr. IPP Methmini Kariyakarwana. Watch the full interview she had with Rtr. Vishvi Wijetunge, where she takes us through an absolute rollercoaster of laughter and joy with her amazing personality. This episode is simply epic. 

Here are some of the thoughtful insights she shared with us. 

What inspired you to become a Rotaractor?

I wouldn’t say inspired, rather I’m a bit of a workaholic and I didn’t even know about Rotaract or whether it was related to Interact. But after I got involved in Baila Night, it was such an amazing experience where I got to meet different university students from different parts of our country and that led me to join Rotaract.  

How do you think the experience of serving as a Rotaractor can be used in one’s life outside Rotaract?

I think it’s definitely useful to be a part of Rotaract. Joining Rotaract raised my self-esteem. So whether it is developing soft skills or any other skills you can definitely learn them through Rotaract.

Stay tuned to find out who’ll take the CENTER STAGE next!

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