Center Stage 2022 edition has almost reached to its end and don’t miss out on the 9th episode of the series featuring, The Joint Director for Professional Development in the Rotaract District Steering Committee, Rtr. IPP Samila Imbulana, a Rotaractor with many wisdom to share. Watch the full episode to find out what he had to share with us when he sat down for a hearty talk with Rtr. Tharushi Gajanayake. 

Here are some of the thoughtful insights of him. 

What were your biggest challenges as a Rotaractor? And how did you overcome them?

Back then I was a bit of an introvert and now probably people might not even believe it. I had communication barriers, I wasn’t really good at speaking in English. So that was something that I had to overcome. And also I had this fear where I thought that people might not recognize me or people might not accept me. But once you finally get into the movement, it’s just a bunch of good people and they are definitely going to recognize and accept you for who you are.

What do you love the most about Rotaract?

There are so many things that I love about Rotaract. One such thing is that it creates a platform where we can empower others which will ultimately empower us as well and indeed it is a unique platform. I don’t think that any other movement provides such a platform for young undergraduates like myself or you. That is a great thing about Rotaract.

Stay tuned to find out who’ll take the CENTER STAGE next!

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