Editorial Member Of The Month (March-2023)- Rtr. Jayodya, Rtr. Tharushi


Rtr. Jayodya

Get ready to meet our very own powerhouse, whose talent extends far beyond the digital realm. With an exceptional eye for photography and a reputation as the TikTok queen of Rotaract, she effortlessly captivates audiences with her boundless energy and unwavering dedication to her craft. 

Our Digital Communications Star of the Month is a true force to be reckoned with. Not only does she excel in her field, but her prowess extends to the captivating world of photography, where she expertly captures moments that are truly worth a thousand words

When entrusted with a task, her energy and enthusiasm are unparalleled. Whether it’s crafting compelling social media campaigns or curating captivating content, she approaches each assignment with passion and a drive for excellence. Her ability to bring ideas to life is simply extraordinary.

Rtr. Tharushi

Our Digital Communications Maven of the Month is known for her unwavering commitment to timeliness. She understands the value of every second, delivering her work with utmost precision, never a moment too soon or too late.

Beyond her digital prowess, she possesses a hidden talent in karate. With dedication and discipline, she has honed her skills, achieving feats of strength and grace that leave us in awe.

One cannot help but notice her stunning long hair, which adds to her distinctive presence. Just as her posts are vivid and vibrant, her locks cascade like a radiant crown, mirroring her dynamic personality.

When it comes to crafting posts, she has an innate ability to infuse them with color, making them eye-catching and engaging. Her creativity knows no bounds as she brings a rainbow of hues to our digital platforms, captivating our audience with every post.

Written By:-





Rtr. Alysha Shabana
(Co – Director Digital Communications 2022-23)





Rtr. Thiwanka Sandaruwan
(Co – Director Digital Communications 2022-23)

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