Business Etiquette


“Standards are not established by your proclamations; they are established by your routines”
– T. Jay Taylor

Business etiquette is a set of unwritten rules that guide how people behave in the workplace. Culture and expectations differ from company to company, so what’s rude and unacceptable at one workplace may be normal at another.

Why is this important?

First impression matters a lot more than you think. A good rule of thumb is standing straight, maintaining eye contact, and smiling. This can sway a person’s opinion with respect to their professional as well as their personal life.

• “Arriving late was a way of saying that your own time was more valuable than the time of the person who waited for” – Karen Joy fowler. Employee tardiness can affect productivity. Make sure you notify your employer if you are running late for work because missed work is missed productivity. Punctuality shows your trustworthiness as an employee who helps you advance your career.

Mutual respect is a point that needs to be addressed well in the workplace. So as in society. Everyone deserves to be treated well and with respect. Be open with praise-giving. Mutual respect is an essential foundation for building a healthy workplace relationship.You don’t have to agree with them all the time but maintaining respect is proper etiquette because a little politeness never hurts anyone. As said by Mary Wortley Montagu,“Civility costs nothing and buys everything”.

• Since technology is drastically changing, virtual meetings have become a part of our daily routine. Working on time, being prepared beforehand, getting properly dressed, speaking up when you are asked to, and not interrupting when someone else is talking are some of the etiquette tips to be followed.

Accountability speaks about your character, keeps your reputation high, and builds better workplace relationships.

• Your professional image plays a crucial role in business success. So know what to wear to work.

• Understanding teamwork plays a huge role in a business. You’ll hear a few people saying, “Teamwork? Nah! What a waste of time!” But in a nutshell, teams make work more efficient which can lead to better productivity.
It’s little wonder successful organizations value teamwork so highly

These are some of the highly powerful strategies that will boost the success of the workplace and make you a more pleasant person to be around.

Written By:-

Rtr. G.D.S Mandini
(General Member – 2022-23)

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Nicely penned !


Well built up on the topic 🔥❤️