Center Stage 2024 – Rtr. Samadi Perera


Ladies and Gentlemen, the wait is over. Get ready to dive into a captivating chat filled with fun, inspiration, and experiences. Welcome to another fun-filled episode of this wonderful journey where you can ease your busy life and be entertained. Get ready to laugh, learn, and be inspired. To beautify this episode, we have our Joint Director for Professional Development in the Rotaract District Steering Committee and our Guide Club Coordinator, Rtr. Samadi Perera. So, join us, and let’s dive into this amusing chat.

Here are a few questions we asked her and her answers to them.

How does Rotaract contribute to your personal growth?

I think it helped out a lot, because when I was in school days, I used to be so nervous, and I used to be more of an introvert. But I am so loud now. I used to stammer like I couldn’t even read something out of a book because I used to get that nervous. I think here we get so many opportunities to brand ourselves, to go and talk to people and it motivates us to be a better version of ourselves. So, I think it helped me out a lot as a person.

What memorable project or event in Rotaract stands out as your favorite, and why?

I think it was in my first year, we did a project called ‘spectrum’. We released NFTs to raise funds for a project called ‘little hands. I think that won the international award as well. I think being part of that project and for us to think something out of the box. I think that was one of the unique projects that happened. I feel grateful to be part of it.

Thank you for being a part of the 7th episode of Center Stage. Stay tuned to find out who’ll take the CENTER STAGE next!

Hosted By:





Rtr. Yasara Wijerathne
(Junior Blog Team Member 2023-24)

Written By:





Rtr. Ridmi Dias
(Junior Blog Team Member 2023-24)

Compiled By:





Rtr. Mohamed Muad
(General Member 2023-24)

Edited By:





Rtr. Pamodi Hewawasam
(Junior Blog Team Member 2023-24)

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