International Service

දන්සල් Drive 3.0

  Vesak is a time of sharing, transcending all boundaries of religion, race, and social class. One of the main highlights of Vesak is the Dansal, where free food is generously offered to anyone, symbolizing the joy of giving and the happiness it brings. This year, RACUOCFMF, in collaboration with the Rotaract Club of Colombo …

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ආලේ අවුරුදු 2.0

  “Appreciate the unique rhythm of children as they navigate their paths, for within their diverse melodies lie the most captivating symphonies of the heart.” The project Ale Awurudu 2.0 was an initiative by the Rotaract Club of the University of Colombo Faculty of Management and Finance (RACUOCFMF) in collaboration with the Rotaract Club of …

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My ABC’s 3.0

  My ABC’s 3.0, one of the most significant projects initiated by the International Service Avenue of RACUOCFMF, was completed for the third consecutive year on 26th April 2024. The primary objective of the project was to enhance the English language skills of students in underprivileged schools and to arouse the student’s curiosity to learn …

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Joy 3.0

  Project Joy 3.0, a testament to enduring friendship and shared values, was proudly executed by RACUOCFMF under the International Service Avenue for the third consecutive year. This collaborative endeavor, born out of a twin club agreement between the Rotaract Club of University of Colombo Faculty of Management and Finance, and the Rotaract Club of …

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Unity Path – The Joint Bulletin

  “Just as friendships flourish between individuals through mutual understanding and cooperation, so too do alliances between nations thrive on the concerted efforts to harness the collective spirit of humanity. It is with great joy and a shared vision.” Rotaract Club of University of Colombo Faculty of Management and Finance, joins hands with the Rotaract …

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Break Free 3.O

  Project Break Free 3.0 was implemented by RACUOCFMF under the International Services avenue for the third consecutive year, as a twin club agreement project in collaboration with the Rotaract Club of Krishna Valley, India, to educate students at a school in Sri Lanka in understanding and managing their mental and physical health. This initiative …

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Collaborative Compass – The Joint Bulletin

  In a world often defined by division, the bonds of friendship between nations shine as beacons of hope and understanding. Across borders and cultures, these alliances exemplify the power of cooperation and solidarity in shaping a more harmonious global community. We, the Rotaract Club of University of Colombo, Faculty of Management and Finance joined …

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Chapters of Change

  Project Chapters of Change is a collaborative initiative between the Rotaract Club at the University of Colombo Faculty of Management and Finance (RACUOCFMF), the Rotaract Club of Krishna Valley, and the Rotaract Club of Mount Carmel College. The project aims to mark International Literacy Day on September 8, 2023, by gifting books to the …

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