
International Parity at Work Day: Breaking Down Walls, Building Bridges

  Every year on January 11th, a beacon of hope cuts through the monotony of the work calendar: International Parity at Work Day. It’s not just a celebration; it’s a resounding declaration, a clarion call for equality and fairness that echoes through boardrooms and break rooms across the globe. This day isn’t merely about equal …

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Women’s Entrepreneurship Day

  Every November 19th marks a remarkable celebration of Women’s Entrepreneurship Day, a global tribute to the incredible contributions and achievements of women in the entrepreneurial sphere. This day holds a special place, highlighting the resilience, creativity, and groundbreaking impacts that women entrepreneurs have on economies worldwide. The essence of Women’s Entrepreneurship Day is profound. …

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Workplace Etiquette

  In the workplace, social expectations are governed by the term known as “Workplace Etiquette”. This term has been put in place to respect and protect time, people, and procedures. How you show yourself to others in the professional world says a lot about you. When meeting someone for the first time, people frequently generate …

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Business Etiquette

  “Standards are not established by your proclamations; they are established by your routines” – T. Jay Taylor Business etiquette is a set of unwritten rules that guide how people behave in the workplace. Culture and expectations differ from company to company, so what’s rude and unacceptable at one workplace may be normal at another. …

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