
Heart Strings

My footsteps echoed in a single beat as I bolted along the river bank, I shivered as the cold wind blew against me, regardless of the heavy jacket I was wearing.  I slowed down now that I have come closer to my destination, my breath coming in short uneven gasps. I could see the bridge …

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Mirror Mirror on the wall (Like where else do you want it to be though?)

You probably guessed what I’ll be writing about from the topic but I assure you it probably won’t take the direction you thought of. Below is a critical analysis on the degree of absurdity of the Walt Disney’s adaptation of “Snow White and the Seven Dwarves”. (So I say) Where do I even start? (I …

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The Young Boy

The young boy stared out his window at the picturesque view of the full moon over the old lake. How fortunate he was to live with his father in such a scenic, beautiful environment.  Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, a tiny village by the lake, where time seemed to stand still …

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Evolution and current status of Sri Lankan English and Teaching English as a Second Language

Sri Lankan English (SLE) by definition is the byproduct of a contact linguistic situation between the donor language; British English and the vernaculars which prevailed in Ceylon then. Sri Lankan English started its evolution with the arrival of the British. The British Imperial rulers brought an alien language and culture to our ancestors’ life, which …

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Our Girl Child

International Day of the Girl Child sounds like celebrating being a young female, but this was created to serve a much greater purpose than that. This day was declared on 11th October to focus on the need to address the challenges girls face and to promote girls’ empowerment and the fulfilment of their human rights. …

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World Ozone Day

What if I told you, ‘You already have your natural sunscreen!’, Yes that’s true! and that’s the Ozone Layer. Technically that’s what the ozone does, it shields us from the harmful Ultra-Violet (UV) rays. However, it’s much more than your regular sunscreen, because without the ozone, life just becomes impossible, simply said, ‘like oxygen to …

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