“Their parents and them” must have not expected what was to come. These tiny lives must have sat in a room, with their whole lives ahead of them, wondering why they were there, only to hear the unexpected news that shattered the lives of them and their parents.
Who would have thought that a six letter word could be so deadly?
Each little fighter at the Children’s Wing of the Apeksha Cancer Hospital, have their own uniqueness to them, like any other child. But they are all brought together by the one thing they all fight every single minute. CANCER. The beast of sicknesses. The tragedy that they are dragged to. And we, as RACUOCFMF, intended to help them forget this tragedy for a little while, and help them enjoy life to the best of our abilities. Project “Hero in You”, organized for the second time as a phase of Project “Mission Compassion”, was our attempt at that.
On the 10th of August 2019, 40 members represented the club and were present at the “Sellam Gedara” in the Children’s Wing of the Apeksha Hospital, Maharagama. The two hour session for these little cancer fighters began at 9.00 a.m. by our comperes, Rtr. Sandalu and Rtr. Laleshi hosting a bonding session by getting to know each other. Each child was asked to tell their name and the Hero of their lives.
Next was an art session, in which each child was asked to draw their favourite hero – the Hero of their lives. We provided them with paper, pencils, colouring books, chalk and colour pencils for this. We were touched by how these fighters interpreted heroism and the qualities they saw in a hero. As we saw many creative drawings, it melted our hearts to know how talented they were, and how these talents were hidden behind the beast called Cancer.
With the end of the Art session, it was time for storytelling. Rotaractors from RACUOCFMF used this opportunity to dramatically act out the story of the “Three Little Pigs”, which the kids thoroughly enjoyed, and some of them joined the act themselves, showcasing their talents in acting.
Next was a Singing session, which was led by a well-known Film Actress and Singer -Shanudrie Priyasad, along with our Rotaractors. The session was highly appreciated by these children as they sang along and enjoyed all the songs, while some of them danced as well! They were elated and excited to receive the chance to perform with an actress they loved!
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The entertainment filled two hour session came to an end by gifting a pack of essential items along with toys, to each child who was present there. The happiness on their faces as they opened these gifts, instantly brought tears to our eyes.
Cancer is a beast that we can’t control, but there is a lot we can do to enlighten the lives of those who fight cancer. As RACUOCFMF, this was our attempt to do so, as we strive to bring light into the lives of others.
Here’s are a few captures that show how the members of RACUOCFMF dedicated themselves to be the silver lining in little cancer patients battling for life!
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Thoughts of a few members who were part of the project:
For the Sinhala Article click on: https://rcuocfmf.com/2019/10/hero-in-you-ව්යාපෘතිය.html

Written By:
Rtr. Faheema Fahir
( Member – 2019/20 )
[…] For the English Article click on the link below: https://rcuocfmf.com/2019/10/hero-in-you.html […]