HONOURED & SEALED – Most Outstanding Club Service Initiatives


Club Service is all about supporting and encouraging the co-members within the club, enjoying the best times together and creating cherished moments worth a lifetime. The quote “Things end but memories last forever” is brought to life through the club service avenue. From capturing each annual general meeting to noting down all the fun games and events held among the club members, club service ensures that memories filled with buckets of colours never fade away from our hearts. Five extra-ordinary projects filled with fun were brought to the spotlight at the 30th Rotaract District Assembly.

Club Service යනු සමාජයේ සිටින සාමාජිකයින්ට සහයෝගය දැක්වීම සහ  සාමාජිකයන් සමග අමතක නොවන අත්දැකීම් ලබාගැනීම වේ.   “සියළුම දේ අවසන් වන නමුත් මතකයන් සදහටම පවතිනු ඇත” යන උපුටා දැක්වීම සමාජ සේවා කාණ්ඩය හරහා යථාර්ථයට ගෙන එනු ලැබේ. වාර්ෂික මහා සභා රැස්වීම අවසානයේ පවත්වන විනෝදාත්මක ක්‍රීඩාවේ පටන් සාමාජිකයන් අතර සිදුකරන සියලුම ව්‍යාපෘතියන්හිදී  වර්ණවත් මතකයන් සිතුවම් කිරීමට රොටරැක්ට් සමාජය උත්සහ කරයි. විනෝදයෙන් පිරුණු එවැනි ව්‍යාපෘති පහක් තිස්වන රොටාරැක්ට් දිස්ත්‍රික් එක්රැස්වීමේදී අවධානයට ලක් කෙරිණ.

 “விடயங்கள் முடிவடைகின்றன, ஆனால் நினைவுகள் என்றென்றும் நீடிக்கும்” என்ற மேற்கோளிற்கு அமைய ஒவ்வொரு வருடாந்த பொதுக்கூட்டத்தை நடாத்துவதிலிருந்து கிளப் உறுப்பினர்களிடையே நடைபெறும் அனைத்து வேடிக்கையான விளையாட்டுகளையும் நிகழ்வுகளையும் குறிப்பிடுவது வரை, கிளப் சேவை உறுப்பினரின் நினைவுகள் வண்ணங்களால் நிரப்பப்படுவதை உறுதி செய்கின்றது. 30வது றோட்டறக்ட் மாவட்ட சட்டசபையில் ஐந்து மிக சிறந்த திட்டங்கள் தெரிவு செய்யப்பட்டன.

Rotaract Club of Achievers Lanka Business School executed the project My Cola Conquer Colombo 2020 on the 9th of February 2020, with the aim of aiding the club’s significant community service project Project Life (We’ll talk more about Project Life in future ;)). Deemed to be Colombo’s largest scavenger hunt since its inauguration in 2013, this year’s Conquer Colombo saw the participation of about 500 people who encountered a wide variety of challenges under the theme, “Time Travel”. A meticulously done storyline covering 3 main time periods of the past, present and future formed the basis for the adventure of saving the apocalyptic city of Colombo.

However, the nature of all the adventure took a twist with the introduction of hidden “Key Fragments” which were supposed to be discovered based on the hints revealed upon the completion of challenges in each phase. Among some of these action-packed challenges were, “Cracking open a mystery box at Escape the Room, Speed painting historical flags, Rowing across the Beira lake, Bean bag twister and Virtual Reality gaming etc. Finally, the key fragments when pieced together formed a QR code that led the participants to a surprise coordinated location.

The special team awards given, included the Funkiest Ride, Best Themed Team, Super Men and Wonder Women whilst the Top 15 daring teams received an exciting array of prizes, from overnight hotel stays to return air tickets to Singapore! Well, this may sound a lot for one event but there was more to Conquer Colombo 2020! Rotaract Achievers had not forgotten to spice up the ambience by having exotic cars of the Italian car enthusiasts club and 4×4 monster trucks by the Ironman team along with entertainment throughout the day!


Baila Night ’19, an ecstatic night of Baila organized by the Rotaract Clubs of University of Colombo Faculty of Arts and the Cinnamon Gardens took place on 2nd of November 2019 at Idea Hell Colombo. Clad in vibrant lungis and sarongs, the ladies (නංගී ලා!) from RACUOCFOA opened the dance floor and kick-started the party which went to feature MORE DANCING as well as a paper dancing competition and the crowning of Baila Queen and King! Refueling everyone for more of the crazy and ceaseless Sri Lankan partying, scrumptious Koththu was served for dinner accompanied with EGB!  

In case you missed this sizzling Sri Lankan night of fun and frolic that fell nothing short of super-awesome and you want to know how to organize an astounding Baila party with exquisite décor too, here’s where you need to be-> බයිලා Night ’19


CAST 4 which stands for “Collaborative Avenue Service Teams Four” is the signature club service project of the Roratact Club of University of Moratuwa, which is organized with the aim of bringing together the club’s entire membership base including prospective members and newly oriented members. By creatively giving the opportunity to work together this project has ensured that club members receive equal chances to showcase their skills and knowledge while receiving the necessary Rotaract related exposure.

The first sub project “Theme Reveal” assigned all members to teams made based on the 4 Hogwarts Houses; Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin. Through a line-up of fun activities aligned with the theme at the Orientation itself, a strong sense of team spirit must’ve surely taken the skies of Rotaract Mora, by storm. “Refraction”, a treasure hunt that brought together both old and new club members together, was also held as part of CAST 4. “Aspire” was another sub-project and it was all about E-Sports! The competition was held across 2 days. Day 1 featured 2 rounds of PUBG and Day 2 featured 4 rounds of COD where teams of PUBG Warriors and COD Fighters intensely competed against each other! “Quizengamot” was an online quiz competition that actually gave the 4 teams a taste of Hogwarts by testing their knowledge on Harry Potter!

However the climax and the highlight of the project was surely the “CAST 4 – Online Awurudu” that yet again ran the theme of Harry Potter! The names of the games deserve to be mentioned; “Hogwarts Awurudu Kumaraya/Kumariya, Counting the seeds of the magic papaw, A lie worthy of Gilderoy Lockhart, Tug-O-War in the middle of Great Hall, Placing the eye on buckbeak, Hidden person in Professor Quirinius Quirrel’s Turban”.


“Naada Nu’19” was a spectacular musical evening that came alive on the 30th October 2019 at the New Arts Theatre, organized by the Rotaract Club of Faculty of Science in collaboration with the Music Society, University of Colombo with Colombo Beacon and FOS Media as the Media Partners. The main motive behind the event was to reinforce their club’s signature community service project, “Akhankara”.

Nevertheless, it served as an ideal platform to showcase the brilliant talent of their current and past Board members. The musical extravaganza witnessed the participation of over 600 individuals including lecturers, senior professors and many undergraduates who were undoubtedly gifted an unforgettable experience.


 “Hopper Night” was organized by the Rotaract Club of Colombo- Mid- Town and was held on the 27th of September at Rtr. Nipun Alwis’s personal residence. However the night was more about Baila and less about Hoppers! It featured so many fun activities which included, sessions of Carrom, Chess, Uno, Omi, Jengaa, Taboo, A magic show, Standup Comedy, An Open Mic Night and a Live Band session that rocked the night!!!! The lively crowd also managed to keep the photographers occupied from the very beginning to the end and after some time, the “Hopper Night” started to smell more like a Sri Lankan delicacy –Koththu! In short, it felt like a “Dansala”, literally, because it was all for free! Despite the fun, the event created the courage within all the young Rotaractors to perform without the fear of being judged!


This particular category motivates clubs to come up with new project ideas and to celebrate nothing but fellowship. A special applause goes to the great minds behind the success of these projects which were executed to perfection with the support of their aspiring club members. And as we always say, it’s beyond competing for awards! This category of awards too is yet another driving force for clubs to Strive as One!

Thankyou to all our fellow clubs and fellow Rotaractors for providing us with the details!


Written & Compiled By:

The Blog Team 2020/21

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