HONOURED & SEALED – Most Outstanding Professional Development Initiatives


People with high academic knowledge also require the perfect mix of professional skills. And Rotaract ensures that the youthful community in the movement bring out their inner potential and capabilities. Even a tiny change in the attitude and the confidence level of individuals can have an enormous impact on their personality. The following three projects were recognized at the 30th Rotaract District Assembly for creating an enormous impact in molding youngsters thus enabling them journey towards their vision and dream destinations in life.

උසස් අධ්‍යාපනික දැනුමක් ඇති පුද්ගලයින්ටද පරිපූර්ණ වෘත්තීය කුසලතා අවශ්‍ය වේ. රොටරැක්ට් මගින් තරුණ ප්‍රජාව, ඔවුන්ගේ අභ්‍යන්තර හැකියාවන් සහ කුසලතා පිටතට පිළිබිඹු කිරීම සහතික කරයි. පුද්ගලයන්ගේ ආකල්ප වල සුළු වෙනස්කම් සහ ඔවුන්ගේ විශ්වාසනීය මට්ටම, පුද්ගල පැවැත්මට ඉමහත් බලපෑමක් ඇති කරයි. තරුණ තරුණියන්ට ඔවුන්ගේ ඉලක්ක  කරා ගමන් කිරීම සඳහා ඉහළ බලපෑමක් ඇති කිරීමට සමත්වූ ව්‍යාපෘති ලෙස පහත සඳහන් ව්‍යාපෘති තුන හඳුනා ගෙන ඇත.

இக்காலத்தில், உயர் கல்வி அறிவு உள்ளவர்களுக்கு தொழில்முறை திறன்களின் சரியான கலவையும் தேவைப்படுகிறது. றோட்டரக்ட் இளைஞர்களின் சமூகம் அவர்களின் திறன்கள் வெளிப்படுத்தப்படுவதை உறுதி செய்கிறது.கீழுள்ள மூன்று திட்டங்கள் இளைஞர்களை அவர்களின் இலக்கை நோக்கி பயணிக்க சிறப்பாக வழி நடத்தியதாக அடையாளம் காட்டப்பட்டுள்ளன.

The official career fair “Are You Ready? (RUR)” of RACUOM, which is also known as the Flagship Day was held on 25th of October 2019. With the participation of more than 40 leading corporate companies including John Keells Holdings, McKinsey and Company, Dialog, LSEG Technology, Brandix, Yaala Labs and IKON Marketing, 6 carefully curated preparatory sessions were hosted for 100’s of enthusiastic undergraduate participants before the Flagship Day. These sessions covered imperative areas of career building such as, Resume and C.V preparation, Personal Branding, Entrepreneurship and Start-Ups, Adapting to the modern corporate environment, Preparing for case interviews and so on.

More details can be found on their blog https://blog.rotaractmora.org/tag/professional-development/
OR at

Contd: Two weeks after ARE YOU READY 2019, Co-Chair of the Project, Rtr. Samila Imbulana had received a phone call from an unknown young undergraduate from the University of Moratuwa. He had called to say that, he had received a job offer from a popular corporate bank starting with a basic salary of 80,000 rupees for which he was extremely grateful. The story doesn’t merely end there. This young undergraduate had also said that, even though 80,000 rupees might seem nothing much to some, it meant a lot to him since he was shouldered with the immense responsibility of looking after his family as the eldest son. In Rtr. Samila’s words, this is what the undergraduate who fulfilled his dream of landing a job, had to say to him at the end of the call; “Malli. I can’t give you much. But I hope I can sit down with you one day and have a cup of plain tea, with you.”

Very often we hear such tales from projects executed under the Avenue of Community Service. But this story undeniably is a perfect example of why we have a separate Avenue dedicated for Professional Development within this beautifully impactful movement – Rotaract. We don’t just build houses, schools and villages. We build people’s careers. We build people’s lives.


“Future Challenge 2020”, the official career fair of the University of Colombo was held for the 15th consecutive year on the 11th and 12th of March 2020 at faculty premises and was organized by the Rotaract Club of University of Colombo Faculty of Science in collaboration with the Career Guidance Unit. The project was conducted with the objective of ensuring that the leap from higher education to one’s professional field would be an informed and inspired transition. The tri-phased project comprised a career development workshop – WERKSTATT ’20, a series of mock interviews and finally a career fair. WEKRSTATT ‘20 specifically focussed on, CV Creation, LinkedIn, Career Counselling, Personal Grooming & Corporate Behaviour.

Participants were presented with the privilege of being exposed to a bunch of career opportunities brought to the table by a multitude of top corporates such as, Brandix, 99X Technology, John Keells Holdings, CodeGen International Pvt (Ltd), Virtusa, London Stock Exchange Group, Wabtec Corporation, MAS Holdings, Stax Inc, Abans Group, AIA Group, WSO2, Unilever, Nestle Lanka PLC & Spectrum etc.


JUMPSTART was organized by the Rotaract club of Achievers Lanka Business School for the 3rd consecutive year with the intention of bringing ideators, start-ups and the investors together onto one platform thereby fuelling the start-up ecosystem in the country. The participants of this competition received finances for start-ups, won prizes through competitions and gained profound knowledge through a series of workshops covering areas such as pitching, finance and bookkeeping, marketing, fundraising, supply chain, PR and branding.

The contestants were categorized into three groups namely, the “idea wizards”, the “early stage start-ups” and the “growth stage start-ups” where the first two categories of contestants faced a competition followed by a business case study to receive prizes worth Rs. 200,000. The growth stage start-ups were given the opportunity to present their ideas to investors in hopes of an investment.

5 deserving teams/individuals from nearly 40 teams aced it to the Finals – The Pitch It! Win It! round and upon the requests of the judges, two more teams were given golden buzzers. These finalists were also given a realistic business case scenario to solve within a very short time span. The finals also featured a shark tank round where the growth-stage start-ups presented their business to a panel of investors who eventually provided the contesting teams/individuals with investments if they were convinced that ideas pitched were worthy of being invested in!


These projects executed by each and every club have encouraged us all to think and work like a professional capable of thinking on one’s feet. Well, afterall who would choose to learn boring theories when you can actually find the right platform to gain knowledge from novel and practical experiences? And as we always say, it’s beyond competing for awards! This category of awards too is yet another driving force for clubs to Strive as One!

Thankyou to all our fellow clubs and fellow Rotaractors for providing us with the details!


Written & Compiled By:

The Blog Team 2020/21

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