Project NAZARIYA, a project spanning for 3 months was carried out by the Rotaract Club of University Of Colombo Faculty of Management and Finance in collaboration with RAC DYP ACS a club from India. This was organized with the purpose of highlighting the World Girl Child Day 2020 and the main objective of the project was to create awareness on child protection and to educate the society on child violence and the ways in which such unfortunate incidents could be avoided. During the course of the project NAZARIYA, all collaborating clubs prepared a video according to the rulebook and the topics provided by the RAC DYP ACS. RACUOCFMF prepared three such videos under the topics of dating abuse, molestation, and human trafficking.

The very first video of our club was on the topic of ‘Dating abuse’ and the video unfolded with a brief insight about dating abuse gradually talking on the many different forms that these abuses take, such as physical abuse, verbal abuse & psychological abuse, isolation and intimidation and stalking. And the latter part of the video was focused on the ways in which we could protect ourselves. Rtr. Udesh Jayawardhana who is the co-chair of the project NAZARIYA and Rtr Thirandi Dharmawardhana were the presenters of the very first video.

Here’s what we had to say about Dating Abuse:

The second video for the month of November covered the topic “Molestation” and was presented by Rtr.Afkar Saleem and Rtr.Guwanika Nethmini. Molestation is a crime comprising of sexual activities involving children up to the age of 18 years. This includes touching the private parts, exposing genitals, taking pornographic photographs, and induction of sexual acts involving the abuser or other children. Moreover, the presenters also highlighted that molestation can be in the forms of inappropriate touching, sexual assault, rape, child pornography, foster care abuse, statutory rape, cyberstalking, and bullying.

Here’s what we had to say about Molestation:

Human trafficking is a very imperative topic today, and it was the topic for the last video presented under the project NAZARIYA.

Following are some of the disturbing statistics that we found from the most popular articles about human trafficking which revealed how cruel the modern world is.

Human trafficking can be identified as the trade of humans by using force, bribery, or manipulation to obtain some sort of labour, organ trade, or commercial sex activities. The presenters of the last video Rtr Udesh Jayawardhana and Rtr Guwanika Nethmini emphasized that false job advertisements, the ‘Loverboy’ tactic, trafficking for the removal of organs, sale by family, trafficking for criminal activities are the common methods of human trafficking. We as responsible citizens encouraged the society to speak against human trafficking through our last video. Both Rtr Udesh and Rtr Guwanika concluded the video with the message, “Let’s stand together against human trafficking! Make humanity equal for everyone”.

Here’s what we had to say about Human Traficking:

Wondered who edited and compiled all the videos? Kuddos to Rtr Anuja Premathilake, Rtr Idusha Sadeeshani, and Rtr Danushka Lakshan for their amazing contribution. It was such a pleasure to have been a part of this great initiative together with the other clubs, which shed light on the unspoken truth about the violence against Girl Child and shattered the societal taboo that people hold regarding these sensitive issues. For “We have to tell our girls that they can reach high as humanly possible” – Beyoncé 

Written By:

Rtr. Thirandi Dharmawardhana
(Member – 2020-21)

Edited By:

Rtr. Razna Farook
(Blog Team Member – 2020-21)

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