The 7th Installation Ceremony of the Rotaract Club of University of Kelaniya

The 7th Installation Ceremony to induct President Rtr. Harindu Abeysinghe and his Board of Directors of the Rotaract Club of University of Kelaniya, was held on the 15th of September, from 6.30 pm onwards at the DHPL auditorium. Representing our club, Rtr. Dishan Leo, Rtr. Ranithri Samarawickrmama, Rtr. Haresh Wijenayake, Rtr. Marky Sandaruwan, Rtr. Harindi Jayasuriya, Rtr. Isuri Alahakoon, Rtr. Udanee Silva, Rtr. Malith Mendis and Rtr. Lakna Rajapaksha attended the event.

The ceremony commenced with the lighting of the oil lamp by the Dignitaries for the evening; Chief Guest, Rtn. Nomal Wijerthne, Guest of Honour, Rtn. Sulochana Wanigasingham and DRR Rtr. PP Mohamed Husni. The house was called to order by Rtr. Malindu Senadeera followed by the Flag Salutation, Rotaract Invocation, Four-way Test and the Rotaract Song.

The gathering was warmly welcomed by the project Co-Chairperson Rtr. Radini Welewewa. Then, the Joint Secretaries for the year 2015/16, Rtr. Roshana Ali and Rtr. Yoshana Premaratne presented the Secretary’s Report for the term 2015/16, where they mentioned that the club was able to successfully complete a total of 31 projects in the past term. Some of the projects carried out by the club were; Nenasa, Piumansala, Peramaga, Green Legacy, Get your green house, Saviya, Wash for a wish, Kelaniya Premier League and Know Your Best. The Secretary’s Report was followed by a video, which gave the audience a glimpse of the club’s year gone by. 

The gathering was then addressed by the President for the year 2015/16 Rtr. Thilina Nimantha, where he shared his thoughts on the successful term completed, with the dedication and the support of his Board members and all the club members. He also took the opportunity to thank the Rotaract District 3220 for the immense support rendered throughout the year. Then, tokens of appreciation were given away to the outgoing Executive Committee by the incoming President Rtr. Harindu Abeysinghe.

Then, an introduction to the incoming President Rtr. Harindu Abeysinghe was given by Rtr. Yasasi Bandaranayake followed by the most significant part of the evening, where Rtr. Thilina Nimantha collared Rtr. Harindu Abesinghe as the President for the year 2016/17 and officially handed over the duties and responsibilities of the club.

Next, the podium was taken over by the incoming President Rtr. Harindu Abesinghe and he mentioned the lesson he learnt from being a Rotaractor for the past year was to challenge himself to be better than he was. He concluded his speech by promising to take the club to the next level with the support of his Board and club members.

Rtr. Harindu Abeysinghe being collared as the President for the year 2016/17

He then went on to introduce the members of his Board, which is as follows; 

  • President  – Rtr. Harindu Darshana Abeysinghe
  • Vice President  – Rtr. Yoshan Dharmadasa
  • Joint Secretaries –  Rtr. Yasasi Bandaranayake & Rtr. Namendri Hewapanna
  • Treasurer – Rtr. Minol Malshan Hewage
  • Sergeant-at-Arms  – Rtr. Nuwan Malindu GK
  • Editor – Rtr. Ridma Jayasinghe
  • Sub-Editor  – Rtr. Chiranthi Thilakarathne
  • Co-Directors Club Service – Rtr. Nadeeshani Karandana & Rtr. Sinthu Kananathan
  • Co-Directors Community Service – Rtr. Pasani Wickrama & Rtr. Radini Welewewa
  • Co-Directors Professional Development – Rtr. Pemalka Premaratne & Rtr. Ashen Aponso
  • Co-Directors International Understanding – Rtr. Amasha Liyanage & Rtr. Nipun Sameera Fonseka
  • Co-Directors Finance – Rtr. Rashmi Lakshika & Rtr. Lahiru Rajapaksha
  • Co-Directors Public Relations – Rtr. Manohari Perera & Rtr. Charuni Dissanayake
  • Co-Directors IT – Rtr. Sumudu Sankalpa & Rtr. Ahmed Ifhaam
  • Co-Directors Sports – Rtr. Nisal D. Wijesingha & Rtr. Imalka Dilshani

After the introduction of the Board members, the gathering was addressed by the District Rotaract Representative Rtr. PP Mohamed Husni, where he mentioned the importance of being a Rotaractor and the importance of partnering with other clubs and societies.

Rtr. Pemalka Premaratne introduced the Chief Guest for the evening, Rtn. Nomal Wijeratne and he took the podium next. In his speech he highlighted the importance of taking use of the opportunities that are available and also conveyed his wishes to the outgoing President and his Board while congratulating the incoming President and his Board.

The floor was then opened for felicitations, followed by the Vote of Thanks by Rtr. Namendri Hewapanna and the National Anthem, which concluded the 7th Installation Ceremony of Rotaract Club of University of Kelaniya.

The Rotaract Club of University of Colombo, Faculty of Management & Finance was glad to be a part of this installation ceremony and wishes Rtr. Harindu Abeysinghe and his Board of Directors all the very best for a successful year ahead.

Written By-
photo Rtr. Lakna Rajapaksha
Co-Director Public Relations 2016/17 


Clicks By- Flexus Labs

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