After several hectic months of quarantine, our country was opened for usual day-to-day activities and people were more than happy to go back to normal overlooking all the bat jokes. But did it mean the threat was over? Certainly not! COVID-19 still exists remaining at its deadly level without a cure. Therefore, anyone who goes out is very much exposed to the virus.
RACUOCFMF launched project Stop the Spread, spreading awareness of COVID-19 and its precautionary methods that could be taken as it was and still is a serious virus. The project was initiated with the instructions given by RID 3220 and was carried out in two phases.
Phase 1
The first phase, namely “Do Not Fear. Do Not Forget” was a social media campaign aiming to create public awareness and personal training on methods to prevent, overcome and adapt to the new normal state. Firstly, an attractive post- campaign was conducted focusing on encouraging social distancing, safe voting and bringing light on health care workers. Next, A highly informative trilingual video series namely ‘Doc Talks’ was aired on YouTube, justifying all rumors that were circulating among the community while sharing accurate information about the standard practices which are required to be followed especially in public places. With the help of four informed individuals; Dr. S. A. Dumindu M. Perera, Dr. Gobith Ratnasingam, Dr. Ragulan Rajalingam and Dr. S. Savithas, this initiative was successfully executed and covered various aspects of the Covid 19 situation.
Phase 2
“Practice what you preach”
Only knowing the safety tips would not be enough to be SAFE if they were not practiced. Phase two of the project was to “Stop the Spread” by training and implementing these standard practices. Therefore, a training campaign was conducted at Dadigamuwa Vidyalaya, Habarakada as per the guidelines and training provided by the District. Guidance and demonstrations were given to the students and teachers on changing their lifestyle according to the new normal.
It is not safe to say that society is ‘corona free’ but we must be hopeful as well as a responsible citizen in order to stop the spread. Alone we cannot do much, but one small action does go a long way and if all of us follow the vital health guidelines, we will be able to “Stop the Spread” once and for all and be corona free.
Be responsible. Be hygienic. Together we’ll stay one meter apart!
Written By:

Rtr. Keshani Jayathilake
(Blog Team Member – 2020-21)