The 8th Installation Ceremony of the Rotaract Club of Singer Sri Lanka set the tone for another inspiring year ahead for all Rotaract members in the nation. The most glorious event was held on the 25th of September, 2021 at 6.00 pm through Zoom and Facebook live.

The ceremony was ordered to begin by Rtr. Rukshan Dissanayaka, the president of the year 2020-21, and was taken up by the Routine Rotaract formalities; The Flag Salutation, Rotaract Invocation and the Four-Way Test.

Following the cordial welcome of Rtr. Ashan Abeywikrama, the outgoing secretary, Rtr. Sohani Wijesuriya presented the secretary’s report for 2020-21. She was delighted to uncover the victorious project completions achieved throughout the year, regardless of the rough ride with the Covid-19 situation that led to alterations of many plans. She also expressed her gratitude towards everyone who held their hands in all accomplishments of the club. The Outgoing secretary’s presentation came to a closure with a short video spanning the successfully concluded projects and the achievements of the club in the year 2020-21

Afterwards, the Group CEO of Singer Sri Lanka, the guest of honor for the evening, Mr. Mahesh Wijewardana addressed the gathering. Furthermore, he mentioned how the last 20 months had been a real test of resilience, strength and ability, for all of us, with the challenges and complexities, yet how everyone adapted to unfamiliar conditions and were compelled to do things that we never even thought of doing or prepared to do.

Next, the outgoing president Rtr. Rukshan Dissanayaka addressed the gathering for one last time as the president, and he extended his gratitude to everyone who supported the club’s successful journey. Moreover, he passed sincere wishes to the Incoming board to take the club to greater heights.

Next, the most anticipated moment of the day arrived as the outgoing president, Rtr. Rukshan Dissanayaka gracefully collared Rtr. Lochana Sahan Bandara as the president for the year 2021-22.

This was followed by the Incoming President’s speech in which he highlighted his new motto according to John Quincy Adams.

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”

Accordingly, he shared his vision for the year to influence lives positively, operating in the same guidelines of Singer Sri Lanka. He concluded his address by introducing the Board of Directors for the year 2021-22.

The Executive Committee and Board of Directors for the year 2021-22 are as follows;

  • President – Rtr. Lochana Sahan Bandara
  • Immediate Past President – Rtr. Rukshan Dissanayaka
  • Vice President – Rtr. Rwhan Wijeratne
  • Vice President – Rtr. Rozanne De Kauwe
  • Secretary – Rtr. Ishanka Jeewanthi
  • Assistant Secretary and Editor – Rtr. Nathasha Thennakoon
  • Treasurer – Rtr. Isuru Gunarathne
  • Sergeant at Arms – Rtr. Nimesh Perera
  • Director Club Service – Rtr. Ashan Abewikrama
  • Director Community Service – Rtr. Nirosh Madushanka
  • Director Community Service – Rtr. Viraj Dilshan
  • Director International Services – Rtr. Pasanth Ramanathan
  • Director Professional Development – Rtr. Buddhika Ishanka
  • Director Finance – Rtr. Samith Tharinda
  • Director Digital Communication – Rtr. Ravi Liyanage
  • Director Digital Communication – Rtr. Chamath Ariyarathne
  • Director Fundraising – Rtr. Vishan Silva
  • Committee Member – Rtr. Supun Dissanayake
  • Committee Member – Rtr. Sameera Mandis
  • Committee Member – Rtr. Kaveesha De Silva
  • Committee Member – Rtr. Ann Warnakulasuriya
  • Committee Member – Rtr. Niroshan Jayashantha

Subsequently, the District Rotaract Representative, Rtr. Rtn PP. Akhila Wijethunga addressed the gathering, followed by the speech of the District Rotaract chair and club youth adviser, Rtn. PP. PHF. Marshad Barry. They appreciated the service of the Rotaract Club of Singer Sri Lanka and expounded how the club connected with society and the rest of the Rotaract community.

After that, the assembly heard the remarks of District youth service chairperson, Rtn Dr. Rohantha Athukorala. This was then taken up by the speech of the chief guest of the occasion, President of Rotary Club of Colombo North, PDRR. Rtn. Rtr. Amjath Yoosuf.

Following that, felicitations were presented from all the Rotaractors. Finally, the ceremonial proceedings came to a closure with the vote of thanks being delivered by the Incoming Secretary Rtr. Ishanka Jeewanthi.

The Rotaract Club of University of Colombo, Faculty of Management and Finance (RACUOCFMF) would like to extend its warm wishes to Rtr. Lochana Sahan Bandara and his Board for their upcoming journey they just embarked upon!

Written By:-
Rtr. Hasara Shakya
(Member 2021-22)

Edited By:-
Rtr. Githma Dissanayake
(Blog Team Member 2021-22)

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