8th Installation Ceremony of the Rotaract Club of SLIIT

The Rotaract Club of SLIIT turned over a new leaf this year with the 8th installation ceremony held on the 9th of August 2020 at the New Townhall Auditorium. This was the first physical installation ceremony conducted during these challenging times by taking necessary safety precautions and by strictly adhering to the health guidelines. The phenomenal event began with the arrival of the guests and lighting of the special lamp made by one of the very own members of the Club and was immediately followed by the Conventional Rotaract Formalities. Next, the Project Co-Chairperson Rtr. Ishini Weerasinghe warmly welcomed everyone to the ceremony and following that the Outgoing Secretary Rtr. Thathsarani Wickramarachchi presented the Secretary’s Report for the year 2019/20.

District Rotaract Representative Rtn. Rtr. PP Kasun Sigera

Thereupon, the crowd was addressed by the Outgoing President and in her moving speech, she expressed how grateful she was for the tireless commitment of all the members and for all those lasting memories. After the distribution of the Presidential Appreciation Awards, Mr. Sahan Jayalath who is an ‘Amba Yaluwa’ of the Incoming President Rtr. Keheliya Rajaguru (AKA Kesel), was invited to introduce the Incoming President. He nearly roasted Rtr. Keheliya but in a sweet way though, with a video which was hilarious yet full of memories. Then came the moment everyone’s been holding their breath for, Rtr. Keheliya Rajaguru was collared as the 8th President of Rotaract Club of SLIIT by the Outgoing President Rtr. Duleesha Waidyarathne.

Following the official handover, the newly appointed President addressed the gathering where he thanked the Past Presidents for their guidance and talked about leadership, integrity, gratitude and teamwork. He urged his team to strike forward saying, “You may fear and stumble, but I will always be there for you, to have your back as you have mine”. Right before inducting the board members, the Immediate Past President Rtr. Duleesha Waidyarathne was given a Token of Appreciation for her unwavering commitment towards the Club. Then the Board of Directors for the year 2020/21 were introduced by the President.

The Executive Committee and Board of Directors for 2020/21 are as follows;

  • President –  Rtr. Keheliya Rajaguru
  • Immediate Past President – Rtr. Duleesha Waidyarathne
  • Vice President Operations – Rtr. Thathsarani Wickramaarachchi
  • Vice President Finance – Rtr. Menuka Vithanage
  • Secretary – Rtr. Vinuri Galagoda
  • Assistant Secretary – Rtr. Randima Fernando
  • Treasurer – Rtr. Nisal Gunathilake
  • Assistant Treasurer – Rtr. Nimsara Fernando
  • Sergeant at Arms – Rtr. Nipun Maduranga
  • Co-Editor – Rtr. Sakuni Galappaththi
  • Co-Editor – Rtr. Lathushanan Koneswara
  • Director Club Service – Rtr. Ishini Weerasinghe
  • Director Community Service – Rtr. Nishiki Yapa
  • Director International Service – Rtr. Infas Irfan
  • Director Professional Development – Rtr. Akaam Zain
  • Director Finance – Rtr. Banusha KanaheraArachchi
  • Director Membership Development – Rtr. Kanchana Kristhombu
  • Director Sports – Rtr. Mohamed Abraar
  • Director Public Relations – Rtr. Sharoni Anthony
  • Director Public Relations – Rtr. Azfa Azhar
  • Director IT – Rtr. Sasmitha Athige
  • Coordinator Club Service – Rtr. Lasandara de Silva
  • Coordinator Media – Rtr. Sriram Rajeswaran


Shortly after the induction of the Board Members, the District Rotaract Representative Rtn. Rtr. PP. Kasun Sigera delivered a speech in which he pointed out how the club has evolved over past years and that the Rotaractors must connect with each other to achieve greater heights in the years to come. Before winding up his speech, he congratulated the newly appointed President and his Board of Directors and wished them success in their future endeavors. 

District Rotaract Representative Rtn. Rtr Kasun   ( Left)  &  President of  RACUOCFMF (2020/21) Rtr. Aamina ( Right)

Furthermore, the Guest of Honor, Co-District Committee Chairperson, Rtn. Jude Surenthiran, the President of the Rotary Club of Battaramulla, Rtn. Sri Kandasamy and the Chief Guest of the day, Senior Manager Administration and HR at SLIIT, Mr. Panduka Mallawarachchi addressed the gathering and afterwards the guests and the dignitaries were given Tokens of Appreciation by the President. Finally, the spectacular day filled with bittersweet moments came to an end with the Vote of Thanks delivered by the Secretary, Rtr. Vinuri Galagoda.

The Executive Committee and Board of Directors for the year 2020/21

RACUOCFMF takes great pleasure to have been a part of this milestone in the Rotaract journey of Rotaract Club of SLIIT and wishes Rtr. Keheliya Rajaguru and his brilliant team a wonderful year ahead.

Written By:

Rtr. Razna Farook
(Blog Team Member – 2020/21)

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