Blog Member of the Month (November– 2022) – Rtr. Dinithi


Dinithi’s ready smile on her ever-friendly face was always welcoming to all of us, especially when you see her early morning at University. The talented blogger never misses giving her project updates wherever you meet her, be it in the canteen or while you are just walking on the road. How stressful it could be managing a project, Dinithi keeps it going easily with the thousand text reminders and phone calls she makes to her committee. Getting the job done on time is therefore no big deal for her.
All in all, she would be the most fun-filled person to be around with never-ending chats and laughs. She could be the loudest in the room being an easy listener and a good audience at the same time.
We are so glad to have Dinithi in our blog team, a member that adds so much value to FMF Blog. We congratulate you for being recognized as the “Blog Member of the Month of November” and wish you the very best in all your future endeavors.

Written By:-
Rtr. Zahra Zuhri & Rtr. Hasara Nadee Shakya
(Co-Editors 2022-23)

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