Our very own boss lady is finally making her appearance on the Center Stage 2022 edition. Featuring on the 4th Episode is of course The Immediate Past President of the RACUOCFMF, the Joint Director for Public Relations in the Rotaract District Steering Committee, Rtn. Rtr. Aamina Ismail. Watch the full interview she had with Rtr. Sarada Samarasinghe, where she takes us through an absolute rollercoaster of emotions while reminiscing the good old days. 

Here are some of the thoughtful insights she shared with us. 

What were your biggest challenges as a Rotaractor? And how did you overcome them?

I think my biggest challenge was to balance everything. Definitely it’s not easy to do the degree and Rotaract, especially given the roles that I was engaged in. During the year of presidency it indeed was a lot of work. Even though it is a challenge, I think that is also something that you learn being a Rotaractor. You learn to prioritize what’s important, to manage your time, and to balance everything out. 

The other thing I would say, was being put in a position where I feel like no one else was at the time with the initiation of the covid outbreak. That was the year where we had to take leadership and steer a club which was very different to what we were used to in terms of Rotaract. Everything went virtual, and that turbulent environment was indeed challenging. But I see these challenges as the best lessons that taught us how to navigate through hard times. 

What do you love the most about RACUOCFMF?

Everything. I love everything. I love the people, all the memories, the projects and the fun we have in the club. But most of all I absolutely love how genuine we are as a club and I think that is very important. I love that we don’t have any kind of twisted intentions. I love the fact that our intentions are clear and very genuine. I like how all of us are one big happy family who thrive towards that. So it’s the best club, really. 

Stay tuned to find out who’ll take the CENTER STAGE next!

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