“විශාල දේවල් කරනුයේ කුඩා දේවල් රැසක් එකට එක්කරමිනි.” ඒ අභිප්රේරණාත්මක ආකාරයට මූල්ය සම්පාදනයේ සොඳුරු බව හා වැදගත්කම විස්තර කරමින් වින්සන්ට් වැන් ගොග් පැවසුවකි. අපගේ රොටරැක්ට් සමාජයේ කල් පැවැත්මට සහ වර්ධනයට අප මූල්ය අංශයෙන් ලැබෙන දායකත්වය ඉමහත් ය. තවද, මූල්ය යනු රොටරැක්ට් සමාජයේ පරිපාලන කටයුතු අඛණ්ඩව කරගෙන යාම සඳහා අත්යවශ්ය සාධකයකි. මූල්ය සම්පාදනය යනු අපගේ දැක්ම හා මෙහෙවර අපත් සමගම අන්යයන් බෙදා ගැනීමට අවස්ථා සලසා දෙන ආකාරයට අපගේ මතයන් ප්රවර්ධනය කිරීමයි. රොටරැක්ට් සමාජයේ වර්ධනය ගත්කල, අනුග්රහකත්වය ව්යාපෘතියක සාර්ථකත්වය උදෙසා විශාල කාර්යභාරයක් ඉටුකරන අතර එය කාර්යක්ෂම මූල්ය සම්පාදන ක්රමයක් ද වේ. 31 වන රොටරැක්ට් දිස්ත්රික්ක රැස්වීමේ දී රන් සම්මානයක් හිමිකරගත් “FUTURE CHALLENGE” ව්යාපෘතිය මෙලෙස ඔබට හඳුන්වා දීම පිළිබඳ සතුටු වෙමු.
“ஒவ்வொரு சிறிய விடயங்களும் தொடர்ச்சியாக ஒன்றாக செய்யப்படுவதனாலே பாரிய விடயங்கள் நிறைவேற்றப்படுகின்றன,” என நிதித் திரட்டுதலின் அழகையும் முக்கியத்துவத்தையும் ஊக்கமளிக்கும் விதத்தில் வினசென்ட் வான் கோக் விளக்கினார். கிளப்பின் நிலையான வாழ்வு மற்றும் வளர்ச்சிக்கு நிதிக்குழுவின் பங்களிப்பு மகத்தானது மற்றும் தவிர்க்க முடியாதது. எனவே, கிளப்பின் நிர்வாக நடவடிக்கைகளை தடையின்றி முன்னெடுப்பதற்கான அடிப்படை வளங்களில் ஒன்று நிதி ஆகும். நிதித் திரட்டுதல் என்பது, மக்கள் எமது தூரநோக்கு மற்றும் பணியில் பங்கேற்கக்கூடியதாக வாய்ப்புக்களை வழங்கும் விதத்தில் எம்மீது நம்பிக்கையை ஏற்படுத்துதல் ஆகும். கிளப்பின் வளர்ச்சி என வரும் போது, ஓரு திட்டம் வெற்றி பெற பிறரின் நிதியுதவிகள் பாரிய பங்கு வகிக்கின்றன. மேலும் அவை பயனுள்ள நிதித் திரட்டும் வழிமுறைகளில் ஒன்றாகும். 31வது ரோட்டராக்ட் மாவட்டப் பேரவையில் “கிளப் நிர்வாகத்தின் மிகச் சிறந்த உதவியியல் நிதித் திரட்டல்” எனும் பிரிவின் கீழ் தங்க விருதைப் பெற்ற “எதிர்கால சவால் (FUTURE CHALLENGE) என்ற முயற்சியை உங்களுக்கு அறிமுகப்படுத்துவதில் நாங்கள் மகிழ்ச்சியடைகின்றோம்.
Gold – Future Challenge (Rotaract club of Faculty of Science, University of Colombo)
“We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future”
Future Challenge is a signature project initiated by the RACFOSUOC to ease the transition from academic to the corporate world and acquaint both graduates and undergraduates with future career opportunities in collaboration with the Career Guidance Unit of Faculty of Science. It was held for the 17th consecutive year with the contribution of 17 renowned national and international business organizations including Hayley’s, WSO2, Unilever, Nestle and MAS Holdings. This project holds a significant place in RACFOSUOC’s history because it’s one of the reasons behind the establishment of their club. Future Challenge has also won awards in the title of ‘The Most Outstanding Professional Development Project of the Year’ at the Rotaract District Assembly of recent years.
This project encompasses 2 phases namely Werkstatt and a series of essential workshops, presentations and expert discussions held with the primary objective of moulding the fresh graduates for the first exposure in the corporate world and a career day where professionals promote their companies, offer career opportunities and conduct interviews. This year, Future Challenge was conducted successfully despite the challenges posed by the COVID 19 pandemic while adapting to the new normal.
Werkstatt comprised of a career counselling session, CV writing and competence development session, building up the perfect resume and setting up an impressive LinkedIn account and a session on how to face a virtual interview with confidence. They were conducted by 4 experienced professionals via zoom, spanning over a period of two weeks.
With the participation of over 500 participants, the first-ever semi-virtual career fair was held triumphantly on the 19th, 20th and 21st of April, 2021. Candidates were coordinated at the university premises along with the abidance of the public health protocols where the companies were joined through virtual platforms.
Boswin Lanka (Pvt) Ltd as the official hygiene partner of the event made a noteworthy contribution by offering KN95 masks and face shields. Furthermore, the Chemistry Department of the faculty extended their helping hand by providing hand sanitizers to make the career day a success.
Future Challenge remarkably marked its end preparing students to match the dynamics in the job market and witnessing over 500 successful interviews having being called for second interviews, internships and a few even bagging permanent job roles then and there.
A big shout out to all the companies and RACFOSUOC for taking an extra mile to brighten the future of undergraduates and helping them pursue a career. We truly hope that RACFOSUOC would carry out this successful legacy for a foreseeable future.
Click here to find out more about this award winning initiative.
Thank you to all fellow clubs and fellow Rotaractors for providing us with the details. Stay tuned for the sixth article of this novel series.
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