“Igniting Inspiration for Tomorrow’s Leaders”- The 42nd Installation Ceremony of the Rotaract Club of Colombo West

The Installation Ceremony of the new President Rtr. Azeeza Najimudeen and her board of the Rotaract Club of Colombo West was held at Olympic House on the 9th of August 2015. Rtr. Nilukshi Jayawardena and Rtr. Ruvini Perera attended the installation on behalf of our club.

The ceremony began with the lighting of the traditional oil lamp and the subsequent recital of the Flag Salutation, Invocation, the Four-way Test and the Rotaract song. The outgoing Secretary of the club, Rtr. Sasmini Bandara then presented the report of the Club’s activities for the past year, highlighting the projects conducted as well as the achievements of the club. This was accompanied by a video showcasing the various projects and events of the club such as the “District Council Meeting”, “Quiz Whiz”, “Rotaract Awareness Program”, “RYLA 2015” and their annual club trip. Sasmini Bandara also mentioned that the club received a Gold award for their cluster project “Quiz Whiz”. 

Next, the outgoing President, Rtr. Yehan Gunaratne, was called upon to address the gathering. He began by wishing the incoming board all the best for their term and went on to thank the outgoing board for their hard work and dedication. He thus presented awards to the members of the board of 2014/2015 in recognition of their efforts during their term. He also honoured the past Presidents of the club who were present and he concluded by giving an introduction to the incoming President Rtr. Azeeza Najimudeen accompanied by a short introductory video of the incoming President. 

Succeeding, Rtr. Azeeza Najimudeen presented her speech, which she began by showing a video of the outgoing President, Rtr. Yehan Gunaratne and she then went on to introduce the new board for the year 2015/2016, supplemented by brief videos of each member. 

The new Board members include:
• President – Rtr. Azeeza Najimudeen 
• Vice President – Rtr. Sasmini Bandara
• Secretary & Editor – Rtr. Shamlan Lye
• Treasurer & Director-Professional Development – Rtr. Rasika Lakruwan
• Director – International Understanding – Rtr. Kumudini Kodithuwakku
• Director – Community Service – Rtr. Nevindee Amarasinghe
• Director – Club Service – Rtr. Hasan Walakanda
• Sergeant-at-arms – Rtr. Senal Jayawardhana
• PR Director – Rasheed Rajohn 

The gathering was subsequently addressed by the DRR Sathiyeandra Tharmakularajasingham who, in his speech, praised the previous board for their efforts and gave his blessings to the incoming board. Successively, The DRCC Saifu Adamally presented his speech, in which he expressed his pleasure regarding the Rotaract Club of Colombo West being very focused on its goals. He also stressed the importance of raising awareness regarding Rotaract and stated that to be able to help others is a blessing of being a Rotaractor.  Next the Youth Services Committee Chair, Rtn. PHF. Farzana Khan, who happens to be a past president of the club, addressed the gathering. She spoke about the importance of strengthening the bonds between Rotaractors and having joint projects with Rotary clubs.

The Key Note Speaker of the night was Arquam Azher, who expressed his confidence in Azeeza being able to achieve her goals, but only subject to the joint efforts of all the members of the club. He went on to explain how Rotaractors tend to lose sight of the real goals of Rotaract and expressed the importance of making a real difference in our society. 

Finally, the Chief Guest, the Youth Service Director of the Rotary Club of Colombo West, Rtn. Yukthi Gunasekara was requested to address the gathering. He spoke of the Rotaract creed of “Unity in Diversity” and the importance of spreading this creed. Further, he spoke of the prevailing ethnic division in Sri Lanka and the importance of unity among people. He advised Rotaractors to talk about unity to outsiders and explained the advantages of using English as a neutral language in communicating with others and the benefits of establishing a meritocracy in Sri Lanka as measures to counter ethnic diversity in Sri Lanka.

The house was then opened for felicitations and following the vote of thanks, the evening was brought to an end. 
The Rotaract Club of University of Colombo, Faculty of Management and Finance wishes Rtr. Azeeza Najimudeen and her board all the best for a successful year ahead.

Written by-

photo  Rtr. Ruvini Perera
Club Member 

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