Lens Poetry


“Photography is an austere and blazing poetry of the real.” – Ansel Adams

Photography is an art form loved by millions of people all around the world. It is a passion that brings us all together regardless of our race, ethnicity, or country. Having said that, we at RACUOCFMF thought of organizing something that encapsulated the essence of photography and thus the idea for Lens Poetry was born! An initiative to celebrate our love for the poetry that we craft through our camera lenses.

We asked photographers to send us at most three photographs they’d taken that represented our four categories namely Wildlife, Ocean, Street, and Travel.

The response has been overwhelming.

We received over 125 remarkable photographs depicting everything from stunning landscapes, mountainscapes, cities, streets, ocean, glorious sunsets, and animals.

Our team was thrilled by the quality of the submissions, and it was hard to choose the winners. The winners of the Lens Poetry competition received amazing cash prizes and their’s photographs will also be published in Lens Poetry magazine. All the participants will receive an E-certificate of recognition.

The competition included two phrases, for which winners of each category were picked from among the participants by an internal panel of judges and the Most Popular Photographs have been chosen based on the number of likes, shares, and responses on RACUOCFMF official social media platforms for their photographs.

May we present the winners of the Lens Poetry Photography Competition…

Winner – Senuri Premarathna

“Capturing a new set of is never easy. Back in February, we got news of a new litter of cubs in Yala National Park. Eager to photograph the two new cubs of Karauwgaswala we tried multiple times, parked for hours and hours over March and April before the country went into lockdown due to the prevailing situation. When the park reopened to the public in July we went back with little hope of photographing the two cubs”

Winner – Himantha Alahakoon

“When I reached Pigeon Island National Park on a sunny Friday morning, I had my GoPro camera and the dome in my possession. I intended to capture a few underwater images of corals, fish, and life below water. The sun was blazing, hence the light conditions were adequate to observe the life below water. Using the dome, I captured this image in a way that the top portion depicts the geographical features of Pigeon Island, while the lower portion depicts the life below water. It was not easy with waves crashing in and currents trying to destabilize the posture.”

Winner – Nandika Kariyawasam

“This photograph conveys that path to light. Nirvana is the only light a Buddhist has. Nirvana can be attained only by fighting with one’s mind, rather than being forcibly dragged away by another. The couple here, not together, but separately going in direction of the light can explain the journey of a real Buddhist struggling with his mind and seeking Nirvana. Finally, this photograph was taken at Kirinda beach at sunset by Sony a6100 camera and 55-210mm kit lens.”

Winner – Parami Prathibha

“I captured this picture with the idea of representing the idea of loneliness.

When we are young, we have our parents, friends and our strengths with lot of capabilities.But we get older, we have to face the reality of our life. In the street, we can observe our whole life cycle like a film.

There is a deeper concept of life is beyond this picture and I hope you can feel it.”

Most Popular Photographer
Winner – Sakuna Sangeeth
(218 likes and 324 shares)

“A tornado is a violently rotating column of air extending from the base of a thunderstorm down to the ground. Tornadoes are capable of completely destroying well-made structures, uprooting trees, and hurling objects through the air like deadly missiles. In the eye of the tornado, there’s no more high and low, no floor and sky. There is a safe spot within every tornado. This tornado is captured in Ginthota Beach.

Thank you so much to everyone who submitted their photograph; your entries demonstrated passion, creative flair, and technical skill and it was a real privilege looking through them.

“Not all dreamers are winners, but all winners are dreamers….”

Written By:-

Rtr. Hana Naroos
(Member 2021-22)

Written By:-

Rtr. Tharushi Weerasinghe
(Member 2021-22)

Edited By:-

Rtr. Venuka Batagoda
(Blog Team Member 2021-22)

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