Rotaractors of the Month – March 2024


Introducing the co-chairs of the most significant event from the Club Service Avenue Project “Hade Veena 2.0”. Rtr. Dilum Weragoda, Rtr. Asini Somasundara, Rtr. Supun Chamikara, Rtr. Meedum Gayashan. These four main driving forces of the project Hade Veena led this event to make it a fantastic memorable event in our club calendar. Their dedication, sense of accountability, and extraordinary organizing abilities were evident right away. The three rugger rites and the singing soul did a fabulous job to make it a success.Rtr. Dilum Weragoda
Rtr. Dilum is a hardworking, reliable individual who loves working with others and puts his effort into getting the job done with a team despite circumstances. He is a good leader and a great team player who always works his best for the success of the project. We at RACUOCFMF would like to congratulate him on being named March 2024’s Rotaractor of the Month and wish him luck in all of his future endeavors!

Rtr. Asini Somasundara
Rtr. Asini is a great team leader and gives her 100% to all the responsibilities taken up by them and the club. She is also, a talented musical individual, who contributed her time and effort to us in many projects such as the 14th Installation ceremony of our club. She is a very enthusiastic member while she was charing project Hade Veena she was in other project committees such as Sisuwara-Warna, Vanajeeviyo 3.0, and Center stage. We at RACUOCFMF would like to congratulate her on being named March 2024’s Rotaractor of the Month and wish her luck in all her future endeavors!

Rtr. Supun Chamikara
Rtr. Supun is a self-assured and committed person who has always given the project his all to ensure its success. He was a huge help to the avenue directors and paid close attention to detail. He demonstrated a great deal of enthusiasm for the project and is a big contributor to its success. We are grateful for his enthusiasm for the club and look forward to having him help us out all year. We at RACUOCFMF would like to congratulate him on being named March 2024’s Rotaractor of the Month and wish him luck in all of his future endeavors!

Rtr. Meedum Gayashan
Rtr. Meedum has extended his support to many projects not only by charing project Hade Veena but also by being a committee member as well as participating in many projects carried out by our club. He is a dependable, industrious person who enjoys collaborating with others. Regardless of the situation, he makes an effort to complete tasks as a team. Meedum consistently puts in his best effort to ensure the project’s success. He is an excellent team player and leader. We are grateful for his excitement for the team and anticipate his support all through the season.We at RACUOCFMF would like to congratulate him on being named March 2024’s Rotaractor of the Month and wish him luck in all of his future endeavors!

Written By: –





Rtr. Nethuni De Silva
(Co-Director of Membership Development 2023-24)

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