Center Stage – Rtr. PP Vidushith Jayasundara


Prepare to be enthralled as we peel back the layers of Rtr. PP Vidushith Jayasundara‘s remarkable story within the realm of Rotaract. This charismatic individual has left an indelible mark on the community, and now we have the privilege to delve into the depths of his captivating journey. From a chance encounter that sparked their interest in Rotaract to their rise as a visionary leader, Rtr. Vidushith’s path is paved with determination, resilience, and a genuine passion for making a difference. Join us as we uncover the secrets behind their remarkable achievements, the challenges they have conquered, and the invaluable life lessons learned along the way. Get ready to be inspired by the enigmatic Vidushith and embark on a transformative exploration of their Rotaract odyssey along with Rtr. Dinuri Ranawaka.

Here are a few more questions we asked him, and his thoughtful answers to them:

Name a Rotaract or a Rotary personality that you would consider a role model and the reason behind it.

So since I started Rotaract I had three people I always looked up to, that’s one being My Immediate Past President Oshani Akki, because when she was at the club during a very challenging year and she took things up on her own, so she is someone I always looked up to from the date that I joined. And then we had two DRRs Bala and Kasun ayya so both of them were two different characters but I always look up to both of them also.

What life lesson did you learn through Rotaract this year?

This year… I’ll say you’d meet unexpected people. I mean basically, you meet someone unexpectedly 

What is an area that you believe young Rotaractors should focus more on to serve the community better?

I say empathy, so you have to understand what someone else is going through to be able to help that particular person, I think that’s one of the most important things.

Stay tuned to find out who’ll take the CENTER STAGE next!

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