Blissful Boundries; Exploring Club Exteriors


“Blissful Boundries” – a testament to the creativity and commitment of the club members who have actively participated in external installations, leaving a lasting imprint on their community.

The collection of articles within the project serves as a comprehensive narrative, shedding light on the unique aspects of every installation. The project captures the essence of the Rotaract Club’s mission to make a meaningful impact on society. “Blissful Boundries” introduces the individuals behind these initiatives, recognizing and appreciating the club members who have been working hard all day and night to bring these projects to life.

“Blissful Boundries” covers 15 distinct installations in total. The installations carried out by various Rotaract Clubs such as the Rotaract Club of Battaramulla, Rotaract Club of Alumni of University of Moratuwa, Rotaract Club of SLIIT, Rotaract Club of University of Kelaniya, Rotaract Club of Colombo North, Rotaract Club of CINEC Campus, Rotaract Club of University of Colombo Faculty of Arts, Rotaract Club of Colombo Central, Rotaract Club of CfPS Law School, Rotaract Club of Colombo Port City, Rotaract Club of Central Campus, Rotaract Club of Horizon Campus, Rotaract Club of Kandy, Rotaract Club of Faculty of Law University of Colombo and Rotaract Club of UCSC were covered in the series.The project also highlights the Rotaract Club’s commitment to fostering a sense of community and belonging among its members. During the installations, our Rotaractors actively participated and took notes recorded the entire installation ceremony using their phones and took pictures of the ceremony. This documentation serves as a valuable resource for future reference and ensures that the installations are remembered and celebrated. Moreover, the Rotaractors who actively engaged in the series were able to make new friends and improve their networks with other Rotaract Clubs. This not only helps to foster a sense of community within the organization but also provides opportunities for growth and development.

“Blissful Boundries” is an inspiring project that instills a sense of determination and perseverance among readers. It stands as a beacon of change, illustrating how small actions can create significant ripples, ultimately breaking boundaries and creating a blissful impact on the community.

ව්‍යාපෘතිය තුළ ඇති ලිපි එකතුව සෑම සමාජ පිහිටුවීමකම අනන්‍ය අංගයන් කෙරෙහි ආලෝකය විහිදුවන අවබෝධාත්මක කතාවක් ලෙස ක්‍රියා කරයි. සමාජයට අර්ථවත් බලපෑමක් ඇති කිරීම සඳහා රොටරැක්ට් සමාජයේ මෙහෙවරෙහි සාරය මෙම ව්‍යාපෘතිය මගින් ග්‍රහණය කරයි. “Blissful Boundries” මෙම ව්‍යාපෘතිවලට ජීවය ගෙන ඒම සඳහා දිවා රෑ වෙහෙස මහන්සි වී වැඩ කරන සමාජයේ සාමාජිකයින් හඳුනාගෙන අගය කරමින් මෙම මුලපිරීම් පිටුපස සිටින පුද්ගලයින් හඳුන්වා දෙයි.“Blissful Boundries” සමස්තයක් වශයෙන් විවිධ සමාජ පිහිටුවීම් 15ක් ආවරණය කරයි. The Rotaract Club of Battaramulla, Rotaract Club of Alumni of University of Moratuwa, Rotaract Club of SLIIT, Rotaract Club of University of Kelaniya, Rotaract Club of Colombo North, Rotaract Club of CINEC Campus, Rotaract Club of University of Colombo Faculty of Arts, Rotaract Club of Colombo Central, Rotaract Club of CfPS Law School, Rotaract Club of Colombo Port City, Rotaract Club of Central Campus, Rotaract Club of Horizon Campus, Rotaract Club of Kandy, Rotaract Club of Faculty of Law University of Colombo සහ Rotaract Club of UCSC ආවරණය විය.

මෙම ව්‍යාපෘතිය මගින් ප්‍රජාව පිළිබඳ හැඟීමක් ඇති කිරීමට සහ එහි සාමාජිකයන් හට අයත් දෑ පිළිබඳ රොටරැක්ට් සමාජයේ කැපවීම ඉස්මතු කරයි. සමාජයන් පිහිටුවීම් සඳහා, අපගේ රොටරැක්ටර්වරු සක්‍රීයව සහභාගී වූ අතර ඔවුන්ගේ දුරකථන භාවිතයෙන් සම්පූර්ණ සමාජයන් පිහිටුවීමේ උත්සවයන්පටිගත කර සටහන් කර ගත් අතර උත්සවයේ ඡායාරූපද ගත්හ. මෙම ලියකියවිලි අනාගත පරිශීලනය සඳහා වටිනා සම්පතක් ලෙස සේවය කරන අතර සමාජයන් පිහිටුවීම් මතක තබා ගැනීම සහ සැමරීම සහතික කරයි. එපමණක් නොව, ලිපි මාලාවේ සක්‍රීයව නිරත වූ රොටරැක්ටර්වරුන්ට නව මිතුරන් ඇති කර ගැනීමට සහ අනෙකුත් රොටරැක්ට් සමාජ සමඟ ඔවුන්ගේ ජාල වැඩිදියුණු කිරීමට හැකි විය. මෙය සංවිධානය තුළ ප්‍රජාව පිළිබඳ හැඟීමක් ඇති කිරීමට පමණක් නොව වර්ධනයට සහ සංවර්ධනයට අවස්ථා ද සපයයි.

“Blissful Boundries” යනු පාඨකයන් අතර අධිෂ්ඨානය සහ නොපසුබට උත්සාහය පිළිබඳ හැඟීමක් ඇති කරන ආශ්වාදජනක ව්‍යාපෘතියකි. කුඩා ක්‍රියාවන් සැලකිය යුතු බලපෑම් ඇති කරන ආකාරයත්, අවසානයේ සීමා මායිම් බිඳ දමමින් ප්‍රජාවට ප්‍රීතිමත් බලපෑමක් ඇති කරන ආකාරයත් නිරූපණය කරමින් එය අලෝකමත් ලෙස පවතී.திட்டத்தினுள் உள்ள கட்டுரைகளின் தொகுப்பு, ஒவ்வொரு நிறுவலின் தனித்துவமான அம்சங்களையும் வெளிச்சம் போட்டுக் காட்டும் ஒரு விரிவான கதையாக செயல்படுகிறது. சமூகத்தில் அர்த்தமுள்ள தாக்கத்தை ஏற்படுத்த Rotaract Clubன் பணியின் சாரத்தை இந்த திட்டம் படம்பிடிக்கிறது. “Blissful Boundries” இந்த முயற்சிகளுக்குப் பின்னால் உள்ள நபர்களை அறிமுகப்படுத்துகிறது, இந்தத் திட்டங்களை உயிர்ப்பிக்க இரவும் பகலும் கடினமாக உழைக்கும் கிளப் உறுப்பினர்களை அங்கீகரித்து பாராட்டுகிறது.

“Blissful Boundries” மொத்தம் 15 தனித்தனி நிறுவல்களை உள்ளடக்கியது. The Rotaract Club of Battaramulla, Rotaract Club of Alumni of University of Moratuwa, Rotaract Club of SLIIT, Rotaract Club of University of Kelaniya, Rotaract Club of Colombo North, Rotaract Club of CINEC Campus, Rotaract Club of University of Colombo Faculty of Arts, Rotaract Club of Colombo Central, Rotaract Club of CfPS Law School, Rotaract Club of Colombo Port City, Rotaract Club of Central Campus, Rotaract Club of Horizon Campus, Rotaract Club of Kandy, Rotaract Club of Faculty of Law University of Colombo மற்றும் Rotaract Club of UCSC போன்ற Rotaract club இனால் நடாத்தப்பட்ட நிறுவல்கள் இந்தத் தொடரில் உள்ளடக்கப்பட்டன.

சமூகம் மற்றும் அதன் உறுப்பினர்களிடையே ஒரு உணர்வை வளர்ப்பதில் Rotaract Club இன் அர்ப்பணிப்பை இந்த திட்டம் எடுத்துக்காட்டுகிறது. நிறுவல்களின் போது, எங்கள் Rotaractors தீவிரமாகப் பங்கேற்று, தங்கள் தொலைபேசிகளைப் பயன்படுத்தி முழு நிறுவல் விழாவையும் பதிவுசெய்து, விழாவின் படங்களை எடுத்தனர். இந்த ஆவணம் எதிர்கால குறிப்புக்கான மதிப்புமிக்க ஆதாரமாக செயல்படுகிறது மற்றும் நிறுவல்கள் நினைவில் வைத்து கொண்டாடப்படுவதை உறுதி செய்கிறது. மேலும், தொடரில் தீவிரமாக ஈடுபட்ட Rotaractors புதிய நண்பர்களை உருவாக்கி, மற்ற Rotaract Club உடன் தங்கள் நெட்வொர்க்கை மேம்படுத்த முடிந்தது. இது நிறுவனத்திற்குள் சமூக உணர்வை வளர்க்க உதவுவது மட்டுமல்லாமல் வளர்ச்சி மற்றும் வளர்ச்சிக்கான வாய்ப்புகளையும் வழங்குகிறது.

“Blissful Boundries” என்பது வாசகர்களிடையே உறுதியையும் விடாமுயற்சியையும் தூண்டும் ஒரு ஊக்கமளிக்கும் திட்டமாகும். இது மாற்றத்தின் கலங்கரை விளக்கமாக நிற்கிறது, சிறிய செயல்கள் எவ்வாறு குறிப்பிடத்தக்க அலைகளை உருவாக்குகின்றன, இறுதியில் எல்லைகளை உடைத்து சமூகத்தில் பேரின்ப தாக்கத்தை உருவாக்குகின்றன என்பதை விளக்குகிறது.

Written By:





Rtr. Lihansa Edirisinghe
(Junior Blog Team Member 2023-24)

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