Step into the enchanting world of Rtr. IPP Himaza Hilmy, as we embark on an extraordinary journey through the captivating realm of Rotaract. From her ingenious excuse of frequenting the RI library to attending Rotaract events to her meticulous event preparations, where worries about hair, outfits, and heels take precedence, Himaza’s vibrant spirit shines through. Unveiling her aspiration to become an influencer and her unique definition of “no makeup,” we witness her unwavering commitment to self-expression. Yet, amidst the laughter, we discover the profound impact Rotaract holds in Himaza’s heart, forging lifelong friendships and offering transformative experiences. Join us as we peel back the layers of Himaza Hilmy’s fascinating journey, a testament to the passion, growth, and the enduring power of Rotaract as she share it with Rtr. Amaan Thaha.