International Youth Day


International Youth Day is a United Nations’ recognized day of observance that is marked every year on August 12 with the aim of promoting the pursuit of a better world by young people as active members of the present generation. I believe that using such an important day I can focus on young people and their activities, stress the role of youth in today’s society and global development. It is worth emphasizing that International Youth Day was launched with reference to the Proposal made by the World Conference of Ministers Responsible for Youth held in Lisbon in 1998. The United Nations General Assembly make this recommendation in 1999 and it agreed on making the day August 12 to be observed as International Youths Day. After its formation, it has become a leading organization in getting the plight and possibilities of youths globally recognized. 

It celebrates International Youth Day every year and each year they have a theme which they consider important and which affects youth all across the world. These themes have included education and employment, mental health, climate change among others because youths’ issues continue to evolve with the changing society. These themes make it possible to discuss the issues and take appropriate action that may benefit youths in the society. International Youth Day is one of the major events that seeks to raise awareness on various issues affecting youths and the general population with a major focus on encouraging youths to actively participate in the society. This can be political, economic as well as social. The day focuses on individuals acknowledging youth and their inclusion in matters that surround them and concern them. There is a need to encourage governments, organizations, and communities to focus more on what can be done for the development of the youths so that they can turn into productive citizens.

Educational is a strong component of the yarn of International Youth Day. The issue of the lack of quality school education is still associated with many regions of the world, and in many cases this day draws attention to the need for the provision of better educational opportunities for young people. It also remains a consistent advocate for skills development and vocational training for the youth to fit in the current world employment needs. Other major theme of the International Youth Day is the employment of youth. Currently, the global youth unemployment rate remains higher than that of adults, which is why the day focuses on the search for new effective approaches to create new jobs for young people. This includes regarding entrepreneurship promotion, supporting the youth businesses, and nurturing educational systems that meet market needs. International Youth Day also brings focus on the various youth hood crises including mental health, substance use, and violence. It gives an opportunity to address these issues freely and to build the supportive surroundings for the young people. Also, the day features youths as pivotal if not key players in peace making in their societies in case of conflict with a view of prevention. 

In the last few years, International Youth Day has become associated with youths’ engagement in global processes and, namely, climate change. The day focuses on young people and the protection of the environment this is because people of up to young age have been involved in climate activism. It is quite important to note this on the celebration of International Youth Day; investing in the youth is in fact investing in the future. Young people are our hope for the future that is why we should give them the opportunities and support they need to grow and develop, and listen to them.

Written By: –





Rtr. Imeth Nenuka
(Blog Team Member 2024-25)

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Rtr. Thisara Kuruppuarachchi
(Blog Team Member 2024-25)

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