4th Installation Ceremony of Rotaract Club of College of Chemical Sciences

The fourth Installation ceremony of President Udesha Bopitiya and her board of directors, of the Rotaract Club of College of Chemical Sciences was held on the 20th of July 2015 at the college premises. Rtr. Hiruni Perera and Rtr. Mirangi Lanka Prasada attended the event representing our club. 

The event commenced with a moment of silence in remembrance of the late Prof. J.N.O. Fernando, following which the gathering was warmly welcomed by the Chairperson of the installation. The outgoing Secretary’s report was presented by Rinzee Usoof, in the form of an amazingly compiled presentation, which brought to light the club’s work during the past Rotaract year. 

The outgoing President Sara Abdulla addressed the gathering, taking us all down memory lane of how she joined Rotaract and the reason for joining Rotaract. Following on, she collared the incoming President, Udesha Bopitiya, thereby officially handing over the duties and responsibilities of taking over the club for the year 2015/2016. 

The incoming President Rtr. Udesha Bopitiya, introduced their theme for the year “be a miracle” (#be a miracle#), while addressing the gathering. She also emphasized on the importance that will be placed on avenues such as community services, in order to carry out projects in line with their theme for the year. She then introduced the Board of Directors for the year 2015/2016. The Board of Rotaract Club of College of Chemical Science is as follows;

President- Rtr. Udesha Bopitiya
Vice President- Rtr. Damion Weerakoon
Secretary- Rtr. Shashika Perera
Assistant secretary- Rtr. Chameli Liyanange
Treasurer- Rtr.Thilina Gamagedara
Editor- Rtr.Imasha Hansani
Co-director community services- Rtr.Hiran Saparamadu
Co-director community services- Rtr.ViduraWijeysekara
Director Professional Development- Rtr.Nikila Paranamana
Director International Understanding- Rtr.Harshaka Gunaratne
Director Club Service- Rtr.Harindi Gayara
Director IT- Rtr.Harini Perera
Director Sports- Rtr.Ruvin Yaoa
Sergeant at Arms- Rtr.Sameera Chathuranga

The District Rotaract Representative Rtr. PHF. Sathiyeandra Tharmakulerajasingham, in his speech directed special attention to the project “street to home”, one of the club’s main projects, and commended the great work done by the club in the betterment and upbringing of the lives of street children in Sri Lanka. 

Next, the District Rotaract Committee Chairman Rtn. Saifudeen Adamalay and the Youth Services Committee Chair Rtn. PHF. Farzana Khan addressed the gathering, proudly sharing their life time experiences being Rotaractors and Rotarians. This was followed  up by an entertainment item  which proved to us that the members of the Rotaract Club of College of Chemical Sciences were people of many talents. 

Finally, the Guest of Honor for the evening Prof. F.P. Deraniyagala and the Chief Guest Rtn. Shanaka Perera addressed the gathering, after which the floor was open for felicitations. On behalf of our club Rtr. Hiruni Perera  wished the Rotaract Club of College of Chemical Sciences and their President Udesha Bopitiya, the very best of luck for the coming year. The installation was brought into a successful end with the vote of thanks of the secretary followed by the national anthem. 

The Rotaract Club of Faculty of Management and Finance of University of Colombo wishes the new President Rtr. Udesha Bopitiya and her board a very successful year ahead.

Reported by-
Rtr. Hiruni Perera (Co-Director – Community Service)

Compiled by-
Rtr. Aqeela Najeeb (Co-Director – Community Service)
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