Center Stage – Rtr. IPP Shehani Leo

In this episode of Center Stage, we bring to you, the bubbliest and the coolest (she likes to think so), IPP of RACUOCFMF! Ladies and gentlemen, presenting to you a leo-tastic episode featuring the Director for Corporate Partnerships in the Rotaract District Steering Committee, Rtr. IPP. Shehani Leo! Watch the video, to get a glimpse of how our fun-loving Leo would dance at gunpoint and much much more!

Watch the Video Here:


Here are a few more questions we asked her, and her thoughtful answers to them:

Here are few more questions we asked her, and her thoughtful answers to them:

What were your biggest challenges as a Rotaractor? And how did you overcome them?

Being a rotaractor is pretty challenging from the beginning to the end. So, the biggest challenge I came across was, trying to get everyone on the same page. It’s a very subjective thing when it comes to Rotaract and when it comes to serving people and the community. Being able to get everyone on the same page and to get everyone to contribute in a very equal manner, is tough. I had to identify what different people wanted at that time, and I had to take those ideas into consideration and make sure to put everything together so that the outcome is something favourable for everyone who was a part of it. So that’s one of the biggest challenges I’ve had and I guess every rotaractor would have that.

What do you think your 15-year-old self would say about the current you?

She would be very proud of the current Shehani Leo, because within the past ten years of my life I’ve achieved quite a lot. Things that I wanted to achieve and things that I thought I would never achieve, were achieved. Of course, along the way, I’ve made mistakes and I’ve learnt from my mistakes as well. But I’m happy about the current Shehani Leo. The 15-year-old Shehani would be very proud of the things she has achieved, the memories, and the friends made! There’s nothing that I would want to change.

A message you would like to leave for all Rotaractors watching?

Rotaract is a great opportunity. It gives a chance to anyone and everyone to be a part of something that is big. What you take out of it depends on what you believe in. If you are a rotaractor, make sure to always do what is right. Like I mentioned before, always stick to your gut feeling and stick to your belief. There are so many opportunities to serve the community, serve your own people, and to even do your best for yourself. Whatever you decide to be a part of, make sure you always give your best. And make sure you learn from it and always give the opportunity for others also to learn from you. And learn from others as well. It’s a chance that everyone gets to be a better version of themselves. So whenever you get that opportunity always grab it. That’s something I always told to the members in our club, to grab an opportunity when you get a chance.

For Episode 01 click on: Center Stage – DRR. Rtn. Rtr. PP. Kavindra Kasun Sigera

For Episode 02 click on: Center Stage – Rtr. PP. Kayalvili Mathawaram

For Episode 03 click on: Center Stage – ADRR. Rtr. Himantha Alahakoon

For Episode 04 click on: Center Stage – ADRR. Rtr. Miyuru Dharmage

Stay tuned to find out who’ll take the CENTER STAGE next!

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