Featuring on the second episode of Center Stage; 2022 Edition is of course another awesome Rotaract personality who’s often seen with a 24/7 smile. It is none other than the District Rotaract Secretary, Rtr. IPP Thisura Ramanayake. Is he a fan of crab curry? ඇත්තෙන්ම ඔහු පිටි ගොඩේ සතේ සෙවීමේ දක්ෂයෙක් ද?? Watch the 2nd episode where he sat down for a joyous interview with Rtr. Christina Perera.

Here are a few more questions we asked him, and his thoughtful answers to them:

What is an area that you believe young Rotaractors should focus more on to serve the community better?
I think there are a lot of areas that we can work on. One such area would be clean water and sanitation. Because there are many Sri Lankans who don’t have access to clean water. Clean water is a great issue as there are people even here in Colombo itself who don’t have access for it. If you stay without drinking water for about 5-6 hours, you would realize how important water is. Recently I went on a hike to Hanthana, our batch trip, where we didn’t have water for about 2-3 hours and we struggled so much and it made us realize how vital water is for our lives. We can survive for some time without food, but it is not the case without water. So I think clean water and sanitation is definitely an area which we can work on.  

How do you think being a Rotaractor can aid in one’s career path?
I think Rotaract itself provides so many opportunities because there are numerous Rotaractors who come from different fields, and if you are planning to maybe build your network, I think Rotaract is a really good place to start. There is always a good chance of meeting a lot of Rotaractors who would help you to build a good network which can actually help your pathway. Also, many different aspects are covered when it comes to professional development. For example, when I joined Rotaract, I knew nothing about photoshop or video editing, but right now to be honest, my outgoing secretary video, I made it by myself. That’s why there’s a lot that you can learn out of Rotaract. There are many Rotaractors that I know, who have started making a living out of the things they learnt out of Rotaract. So I think those are the things that we can gain from Rotaract.

Stay tuned to find out who’ll take the CENTER STAGE next!

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