Honoured and Sealed – The Most Outstanding Club Service Initiative (Special)


“The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don’t play together, the club won’t be worth a dime.”
– Babe Ruth

You, me, and all our fellow Rotaractors out there are being willed to shine our light brightly in a way that ignites and encourages others to shine. And we could call it our purpose here at Rotaract. And that is why the club service avenues of our clubs strive to provide the best for our own members as well as for the club as a whole. In the circle of courage, independence, mastery, generosity, and belonging that we live here at Rotaract, another four special awards were named at the 32nd District Training Assembly for the “Most Outstanding Club Service Initiatives”, which was owned by the Rotaract Club of Informatics Institute of Technology, Rotaract Club of University of Moratuwa, Rotaract Club of Uva Wellassa University – Badulla, and Rotaract Club of Alumni of University of Moratuwa.

ඔබ, මම සහ අපගේ සියලුම රොටරැක්ටර්වරුන්ගේ අභිප්‍රාය වනුයේ අන් අයද බැබළීමට දිරිගන්වමින් දීප්තිමත් ලෙස බැබළීමයි. එය රොටරැක්ට් අපගේ අරමුණ ලෙස හැඳින්විය හැකියි. අප රොටරැක්ට් සමාජයන්ගේ සමාජ සේවා අංශය විසින් අපගේ සාමාජිකයින්ට මෙන්ම සමස්ත සමාජයට ම හොඳම දේ ලබා දීමට උත්සාහ කරන්නේ එබැවිනි.  අප මෙහි රොටරැක්ට් හි ඇතුළත් ධෛර්යය, ස්වාධීනත්වය, ප්‍රවීණත්වය සහ ත්‍යාගශීලිත්වය යන කවය තුළ, රොටරැක්ට් සමාජයට අයත් “වඩාත්ම විශිෂ්ට සමාජ සේවා මුලපිරීම්” සඳහා තවත් විශේෂ සම්මාන හතරක් 32 වන දිස්ත්‍රික් පුහුණු රැස්වීමේදී නම් කරන ලදී.  IIT රොටරැක්ට් සමාජය, මොරටුව විශ්වවිද්‍යාලයේ රොටරැක්ට් සමාජය, බදුල්ල ඌව වෙල්ලස්ස විශ්වවිද්‍යාලයේ රොටරැක්ට් සමාජය සහ මොරටුව විශ්වවිද්‍යාලයේ ආදි සිසුන්ගේ රොටරැක්ට් සමාජය මෙම සම්මාන ඔවුන් සතු කර ගැනීමට සමත් විය.

நீங்களும், நானும், எங்களுடைய சக ரோட்டராக்டர்களும் எம் ஒளியை பிரகாசமாகப் பிரகாசித்து அது மற்றவர்களையும் பிரகாசிக்க ஊக்குவிக்கும் வகையில் நடந்து கொள்கின்றோம். ரோட்டாராக்டில் இதை நாம் எங்கள் நோக்கமாக கருதிக் கொண்டு செயற்படுகின்றோம். அதனால்தான் எங்கள் கழகத்தின் கிளப் சேவை அவெனியூவானது எங்கள் சொந்த உறுப்பினர்களுக்கும் ஒட்டுமொத்த கழகத்திற்கும் சிறந்ததை வழங்க முயற்சி செய்கின்றது. தைரியம், சுதந்திரம், தேர்ச்சி, தாராள மனப்பான்மை கொண்டு நாங்கள் இங்கு வசிக்கும் ரோட்ராக்ட் வட்டத்தில், 32வது மாவட்டப் பயிற்சிக் கூட்டத்தில் ரோட்ராக்ட் கிளப்பிற்குச் சொந்தமான “மிகச் சிறந்த கிளப் சேவை முயற்சி” என நான்கு சிறப்பு விருதுகள் வழங்கப்பட்டன. இன்ஃபர்மேட்டிக்ஸ் இன்ஸ்டிடியூட் ஆப் டெக்னாலஜியின் ரொட்ராக்ட் கிளப்,மொரட்டுவைப் பல்கலைக்கழகத்தின் ரொட்ராக்ட் கிளப், பதுளை ஊவா வெல்லஸ்ஸ பல்கலைக்கழகத்தின் ரோட்ராக்ட் கிளப் மற்றும் மொரட்டுவை பல்கலைக்கழகத்தின் பழைய மாணவர்களின் ரோட்ராக்ட் கிளப்கள் இவ்விருதினை தம் வசப்படுத்திக் கொண்டன.

Gold – Pro Futsal League – Rotaract Club of Informatics Institute of Technology

The Pro Futsal League (PFL) was a futsal tournament initiated by the Rotaract Club of IIT. This was a great chance for all Rotaract clubs around Sri Lanka to get together. PFL was executed with the intention of encouraging friendship and fellowship among the clubs and to make it a way of bringing people together and giving them a sense of belonging.

The auction was held on the 12th of March at HomeTree Coworking space in Bambalapitiya, and the team players were selected using the points allotted to them with the help of the District Council representatives, who were the team managers. On the 28th of March, the tournament was held at Club Fusion in Boralesgamuwa. This allowed Rotaractors to build leadership skills and team spirit throughout the tournament, bringing in long-lasting friendships.

Finally, the event was successfully concluded beyond success, with the award ceremony where the teams’ talents and individuals’ talents were rewarded with the Champion’s Trophy, Runner’s up Trophy, and Golden Boot.

Silver – Ceylon Safari – Rotaract Club of University of Moratuwa

Ceylon Safari was an effort of the Rotaract Club of University of Moratuwa, which was organized as a club trip with three adventurous foreign participants.  The project was carried under 3 phases.

Phase 1

Phase 1 of the Ceylon Safari was started on the 10th of April 2020. The destinations planned and visited in this phase were the Nine Arch Bridge, Ella Rock, Bandarawela, Dambatenne Tea Factory, Adisham Bungalow, and Ambewela. This journey provided a unique experience for all its participants being the best way to unplug from the pushes and pulls of daily life and to collect a bunch of memories to cherish forever.

Phase 2

Phase 2 of Ceylon Safari commenced on the 15th of April. The trip squad has moved to a burning sun this time, passing the cool hills. The destinations of the second phase of Ceylon Safari were Munneswaram Kovil, Wilpattu Safari, Anuradhapura, Sigiriya, Dambulla Cave Temple, Temple of Tooth Relic, and Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage. The second phase was also concluded with a massive collection of priceless and humorous memories.

Phase 3

Just after completing the second phase of Ceylon Safari, the third phase began on the 19th of April. The team visited the Madhu River, Cinnamon Island, the Turtle Hatchery Center, Hikkaduwa beach, Galle Fort, Unawatuna beach, and Mirissa beach. The participants were able to get to know more about turtles and got the chance to release some baby turtles to the sea by executing the “Clean hatchery” as a sub-project of Ceylon Safari’22.

Bronze – Hill Spree – Rotaract Club of Uva Wellassa University – Badulla

Club service is an avenue that always brings the best things for the club and for the members. The project Hill Spree was another tremendous effort of Rotaract Club of Uva Wellassa University to give its members an unforgettable experience. The club yet again embarked on this amazing adventure with the Incoming President, Rtr. Anuja Gunarathne, and his amazing and motivated Board of Directors for the RI year 2021-22. Rotaract Club of Uva Wellassa was able to conclude Hill Spree beyond the success along with the 9th Installation Ceremony.

Bronze – Fellowship Diaries – Rotaract Club of Alumni of University of Moratuwa

The Fellowship Diaries is an initiative of the Rotaract Club of Alumni Moratuwa with collaborative planning with fellow Rotaractors from the Rotaract Club of Trincomalee. Under this project, the clubs were able to conduct a joint general meeting with a food exchange session. which was a splash of excitement for all Rotaractors. The journey did not stop there. The members of the Rotaract Club of Alumni Moratuwa were guided by the Rotaract Club of Trincomalee to visit the Koneshwaram Kovil, Nilawalee Beach, and Kinniya Hot Water Springs.

Many thanks to all our fellow clubs and Rotaractors who shared their tales of victory with us. Keep an eye out for the third article of this novel series!

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