Our little “Word Factory!”

Alone we can do so little and together we can do so much!

With that being said RACUOCFMF has now taken a step forward to add in more players into the playing field and is certain that it would be one of the best decisions we’ve ever taken. An official Blog Team would take over the responsibilities along with the editors to manage all blog related content for the year 2020/21.

Introducing the Blog team of RACUOCFMF for the year 2020-21- A talented bunch of friends who have now turned into family. Here’s a glimpse of the amazing bloggers who are ready to make the dream work.

Offer her a task and never look back, consider it to be done. In fact she’s “Miss Dependable” who has never let the team down and never fails to impress us with her calm and composed nature. A blog team without such a character would definitely feel incomplete. Introducing Hamdha Shifar the 1st member of our blog team for the year 2020-21.

She’s “Miss Charming” with a dash of crazy. The one who is ever willing and eager to help with anything. Her interests include script writing, dancing and running away from all things cute; meaning dogs. :p. All in all she’s the best friend anyone could ever have, and we’re psyched to have such an amiable individual in our team. Introducing Rashini Himasha the 2nd member of our blog team for the year 2020-21.

“Yeah Ok” the only two words that she uttered when she was offered to be a part of team. Being as simple as that she’d figure a way out to get the toughest of tasks done with minimal effort. In fact she’s “Miss Reliable” whom we would always count on to offer the hardest of jobs. Introducing Abirshana Nithiyanantharajah the 3rd member of our blog team for the year 2020-21.

The one with the wildest imagination. She never fails to amaze us with her bizarre yet brilliant ideas. This versatile individual is one of the most enthusiastic people you’d come across and the fact that she’s passionate about everything she does elucidates why we need such a character in our team. Introducing Keshani Jayathilake the 4th member of our blog team for the year 2020-21.

The bubbly one! The one that always has a smile on her face and is ready to take up any challenge that comes her way. It’s not just her bubbly character but also the dedication she puts into her work, makes her an inevitable part of this blog team. Introducing Razna Farook the 5th member of our blog team for the year 2020-21.

Every team has that one die-hard K-Drama enthusiast, she’s ours. This keen character never fails to awe us with her sheer brilliance. She’s the epitome of modesty and though she doesn’t say much, the fact that she’s up for anything says it all. Introducing Sahani Jayamaha the 6th member of our blog team for the year 2020-21.

A friend in need is a friend indeed. Got a friend that you’d always run in to? We’ve got one of them in our team too. She claims to be silent at first and with time becomes one of the best team players any team should have. Introducing Raagavi Thayalasingham the 7th member of our blog team for the year 2020-21.

If you judge her by her silence you’d miss what she has on offer. A mastermind carrying forward her blogging experiences from the past year is the rightful addition as she brings her trilingual skills to the table. It’s always a pleasure to have a skillful baker in addition to a writer in the team. Introducing Nuzhath Rizvi the 8th member of our blog team for the year 2020-21.

The selfless one, the ‘Miss goody- two- shoes’ in our team. This authentic soul tries her level best to be humble and kind at all times. The world undoubtedly needs more people like her, and we’re truly delighted to have her on our side. Introducing Chathuni Dias the 9th member of our blog team for the year 2020-21.

There’s no other team we’d rather work with and we look forward to a blog-tastic year with the best-est squad!

Written By:

Rtr. Arshad Sufi Ismail
( Co-Editor – 2020/21 )

Rtr. Vineli Handapangoda
( Co-Editor – 2020/21 )

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