SPECTRUM – COUNTERBALANCE : Rotaract Clubs of CIRP, IIHE & Wellawatte


Spectrum – Counterbalance, was a professional development project jointly organized by the Rotaract Club of Colombo Institute of Research & Psychology, Rotaract Club of Imperial Institute of Higher Education, and Rotaract Club of Wellawatte. 

It was the first phase of a three-phase project where knowledge on three important areas; Panel Discussion, Sustainable Project Management and Project Proposal Writing were shared by a panel of well experienced and matured Rotaractors and Rotarians. 

The Panel Discussion was carried out by Rtn. PDG PHF Imthiaz Ismail, Rtr. PDRR PHF Abdul Wahid and Rtr. IPDRR PHF Sathiyeandra Tharmakularajasingham. It mainly focused on their journey through Rotaract and important tips on how to schedule work to make maximum use of time, tolerate different views and how to attract new members to clubs. 

Dr. Darshan Perera, Director of Academic Affairs, CIRP addressed the topic of Sustainable Project Management. He enlightened the participants on who Introverts and Extroverts are, how they act and react differently and how to identify them. That was an important tip for a leader, as they would be required to identify the personality types of people to get the best out of a project. Dr. Darshan also spoke about managing stress based on the personality type of a person.

Rtr. PP Aaqeel Jiffry then spoke on how to prepare project proposals to get better sponsorships and how to pitch a project attractively to a sponsor. He also stressed on the point that, always a sponsor should be considered as a partner of the project rather than just a source of funds with very interesting examples. 

This project was successfully able to educate the attendees on how to balance work and other commitments with Rotaract work which will be very helpful not only for the newly joined Rotaractors, but for the experienced Rotaractors as well. 

Spectrum – Counterbalance is indeed one amazing and interesting project and we wish good luck for the organizers to do a great job in the next two phases of the projects as well.

Written By-

Rtr.Akhila Wijetunga
Co – Director IT 2016/17


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